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. 2013 Dec;10(Suppl):S118–S124. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201309-307AW

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Misclassification of predicted SARP clinical cluster assignment by the tree diagram. Using the three-variable tree algorithm, the percent of subjects correctly assigned to each cluster is indicated within each shape. Cluster assignment is incorrect in a subset of subjects (indicated by arrows), due to heterogeneity in lung function or age of asthma onset within a given cluster; misclassified subjects are on the “edge” when compared with the majority of subjects within a given cluster. Blue, mild atopic asthma; green, mild to moderate atopic asthma; yellow, late-onset nonatopic asthma; orange, severe atopic asthma; red, severe asthma with fixed airflow. Individual figure size is proportional to the frequency of a specific cluster. Adapted with permission from Reference 11.