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. 2013 Dec;10(Suppl):S118–S124. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201309-307AW

Table 1.

The Severe Asthma Research Program adult cluster analysis: clinical characteristics of subject groups

  Spectrum of Early-Onset Allergic Asthma
Spectrum of Late-Onset Adult Asthma
Fixed Airflow
Very Late Onset, Obese
  Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 Cluster 3
% of all subjects in group 15 44 17 16 8
 Severe, % <25
Current age, decades 20s 20–30s 30–40s 40–50s 40–50s
African American, % 30 30 30 20 20
Female sex, % 80 67 53 63 71
Obese with BMI > 30, % 24 31 44 >50
Asthma onset          
 Age, median (IQR), yr* 9 (5–17) 7 (2–18) 4 (1–13) 20 (5–32) 41 (33–49)
 Relevant life events School aged Preschool–school aged Toddler–school-aged Teens–adults Adults
Asthma duration, yr 10–15 15–25 >20
Atopy measures          
 ≥1 pos SPT, % 85 78 83 66 64
Baseline FEV1% predicted* 103 (97–109) 83 (76–90) 59 (48–66) 44 (32–52) 75 (67–81)
Maximal FEV1% predicted* 113 (108–117) 95 (88–99) 77 (68–83) 57 (48–68) 82 (78–90)
Summary Lung Function Normal Reversible to normal Obstructed, more reversible Obstructed, less reversible Borderline normal
Medications, % subjects          
 High-dose ICS 10 28 63 78 49
 OCS 11 10 39 47 17
 Taking ≥3 controllers 19 29 56 67 54
Health care utilization, past yr, % subjects        
 ≥3 exacerbations with OCS 11 19 46 42 36
 Hospitalization for asthma 7 9 23 28 15

Definition of abbreviations: BMI = body mass index; ICS = inhaled corticosteroids; IQR = interquartile range; OCS = oral corticosteroids; SPT = skin prick testing.


Data expressed as median (25–75% [IQR]). Table adapted with permission from Ref. 11.