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. 2014 Mar 4;2:e281. doi: 10.7717/peerj.281

Table 1. Functions found in poppr and their short descriptions.

Function Description
getfile Provides a quick GUI to grab files for import
read.genalex Read GenAlEx formatted csv files to a genind object
genind2genalex Converts genind objects to GenAlEx formatted csv files
missingno Handles missing data
clonecorrect Clone censors at a specified population hierarchy
informloci Detects and removes phylogenetically uninformative loci
popsub Subsets genind objects by population
shufflepop Shuffles genotypes at each locus using four different shuffling algorithms (details in Table 3)
splitcombine Manipulates population hierarchy
bruvo.boot Produces dendrograms with bootstrap support based on Bruvo’s distance
bruvo.dist Calculates Bruvo’s distance
diss.dist Calculates the percent allelic dissimilarity
ia Calculates the index of association
mlg Calculates the number of multilocus genotypes
mlg.crosspop Finds all multilocus genotypes that cross populations
mlg.table Returns a table of populations by multilocus genotypes
mlg.vector Returns a vector of a numeric multilocus genotype assignment for each individual
poppr Returns a diversity table by population
poppr.all Returns a diversity table by population for all compatible files specified
greycurve Helper to determine the appropriate parameters for adjusting the grey level for msn functions
bruvo.msn Produces minimum spanning networks based off Bruvo’s distance colored by population
poppr.msn Produces a minimum spanning network for any pairwise distance matrix related to the data