Table 1. Characteristics of studies of ANA, SMA and SLA/LP.
Study (No.) | Patients race | Setting | Assay (cut-off) | AIH patients | Women (%) | Mean1, Median2 age, (SD) years | Age range, years | Control participants | design | Golden standard (No.) |
45 | Japanese | not referred | IFT(1∶160*) | 16 | 14(87.50) | 59.002 | 25–69 | AIC(n = 21), PBC(n = 37), CVH(n = 21) | retrospective | 8 |
46 | German | not referred | IFT(1∶80*#), ELISA(&) | 121 | 29(23.97) | 40.991 | not referred | PBC(n = 107), SLE(n = 17), MCTD(n = 16), Arthritis(n = 9), HC(n = 100) | retrospective | unclear |
47 | Iraqi | Teaching Hospital | IFT(1∶20*, 1∶40# ), Immunoblot(&) | 50 | 45(90.00) | 27.201(9.44) | 8–62 | CVH(n = 50), HC(n = 30) | retrospective | unclear |
48 | Chinese | Peking Union Medical College Hospital | ELISA(20RU/mL, &) | 44 | 10(22.72) | 47.801(11.50) | 8–82 | PBC(n = 198), LDC(n = 41) | retrospective | 9 |
49 | English | King’s College Hospital | RLA(&) | 66 | 48(72.73) | 13.00§ 8.00¶ | 3–20 | ASC(n = 17), PBC(n = 20), CVH(n = 40), LDC(n = 41), SLE(n = 16), CD(n = 8), Diabetes(n = 10), Polymyositis(n = 12), HC(n = 56) | retrospective | 9 |
50 | Japanese | not referred | IFT(1∶40*#), Immunoblot(&) | 80 | 69(86.25) | 54.561 | not referred | PBC(n = 46), PSC(n = 10), CVH(n = 47), SLE(n = 48), Cryptogenic hepatitis(n = 3), HC(n = 40) | retrospective | 9 |
51 | Japanese | Kagawa Medical University | ELISA(&) | 18 | not referred | not referred | not referred | CVH(n = 150), NBNC(n = 20), HC(n = 30) | retrospective | 8, 10 |
52 | Italian and Turkish | not referred | IFT(1∶40*#), Immunoblot(&) | 192 | 157(81.77) | 43.111 | 3–82 | AIH/PBC(n = 30), PBC(n = 170), AIH/PSC(n = 9), PSC(n = 45), AIH/CVH(n = 11), CVH(n = 292), NASH(n = 135), DILI(n = 86), Wilson’s disease(n = 16) | retrospective | 11 |
53 | German | University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf | IFT(1∶40#) | 35 | 26(74.29) | 49.001 | 21–68 | CVH(n = 34), PBC(n = 21), PSC(n = 5), NASH(n = 14), LDC(n = 13), Wilson’s disease(n = 1) | prospective | unclear |
54 | Italian | Semeiotica Medica II and Clinica Medica II | IFT(1∶40*#) | 35 | not referred | not referred | not referred | CVH(n = 290) | retrospective, consecutive | 8 |
55 | Italian | not referred | IFT(1∶80#) | 55 | not referred | not referred | not referred | PBC(n = 20), CVH(n = 20), HC(n = 25) | retrospective, consecutive | 9 |
56 | Austrian | not referred | Immunoblot(&) | 51 | not referred | 40.001 | 7–63 | CVH(n = 10), HC(n = 10) | retrospective | 8, 12, 13, 14 |
57 | Italian | not referred | IFT(1∶40#) | 41 | not referred | 53.202 | 18–83 | PBC(n = 40), CVH(n = 30), CD(n = 16), Steatosis(n = 10) | retrospective | 9 |
58 | Italian | S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital | IFT(1∶40#) | 100 | not referred | 39.002 | 7–82 | PBC(n = 20), CVH(n = 51), CD(n = 17), HC(n = 50) | retrospective, consecutive | 9 |
59 | Swedish | Linköping University Hospital | IFT(1∶80*#) | 46 | 34(73.91) | 47.001 | 21–28 | NAFLD(n = 50), UC(n = 53), PSC(n = 27), Crohn’s disease(n = 51), HC(n = 40) | retrospective | 9, 15 |
60 | Chinese | not Teaching Hospital | IFT(*#), Immunoblot(&) | 45 | not referred | not referred | not referred | SLE(n = 20), HC(n = 20) | retrospective | unclear |
61 | Chinese | Second Hospital Affiliated to NanChang University | IFT(1∶100*#) | 68 | 57(83.82) | 44.001 | 4–62 | PBC(n = 41), PSC(n = 52), CVH(n = 276), HC(n = 50) | retrospective | 16 |
62 | Chinese | Second Hospital Affiliated to NanChang University | IFT(*#) | 56 | 49(87.5) | 44.001 | 4–67 | PBC(n = 32), CVH(n = 134), HC(n = 40) | retrospective | 17 |
63 | Chinese | not referred | IFT(#), Immunoblot(&) | 11 | not referred | not referred | not referred | PBC(n = 3), PSC(n = 11), CVH(n = 25), | retrospective | 9 |
64 | Chinese | not Teaching Hospital | IFT(*#) | 32 | 21(65.63) | 49.701(18.30) | not referred | CVH(n = 60) | retrospective | 17 |
65 | Chinese | not referred | IFT(*#), Immunoblot(&) | 22 | 17(77.27) | 35.001 (5.00) | 17–51 | PBC(n = 43), PSC(n = 3) | retrospective | unclear |
66 | Japanese | not referred | IFT(*) | 8 | not referred | not referred | not referred | PBC(n = 57), CVH(n = 363), CTD(n = 151) | retrospective | unclear |
67 | Chinese | Second Hospital Affiliated to NanChang University | IFT(*#) | 63 | 54(85.71) | 43.001 | 4–69 | PBC(n = 36), PSC(n = 25), CVH(n = 145), HC(n = 50) | retrospective | 18 |
68 | Chinese | not Teaching Hospital | IFT(*#), Immunoblot(&) | 31 | 23(74.19) | 40.561(8.23) | 24–63 | CVH(n = 32), HC(n = 31) | retrospective | unclear |
69 | Chinese | not Teaching Hospital | IFT(#), Immunoblot(&) | 7 | 5(71.43) | not referred | 36–60 | PBC(n = 11), LDC(n = 20) | retrospective | 9 |
70 | Chinese | Second Hospital Affiliated to NanChang University | IFT(*#), Immunoblot(&) | 31 | 28(90.32) | 42.001 | 4–67 | PBC(n = 29), CVH(n = 46), HC(n = 40) | retrospective | 17 |
71 | Chinese | not referred | IFT(1∶100*#) | 25 | not referred | not referred | 36–67 | PBC(n = 19), PSC(n = 2), HC(n = 60) | retrospective | 8 |
72 | Chinese | Beijing You’an Hospital, Affiliated to Capital Medical University | Immunoblot(&) | 34 | not referred | 53.001(12.00) | not referred | AIH/PBC(n = 6), PBC(n = 20), CVH(n = 29), HC(n = 20) | retrospective | 16 |
73 | Chinese | Second Hospital Affiliated to NanChang University | IFT(*#), Immunoblot(&) | 47 | 41(87.23) | 44.001 | 4–67 | PBC(n = 32), CVH(n = 116), HC(n = 40) | retrospective | 17 |
*/#/&: cut-off and assays for ANA/SMA/SLA. 1/2: mean/median age of AIH patients. §/¶: median age of AIH-1/2.
IIF = indirect immunofluorescence, ELISA = enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, RLA = radioligand assay. ANA = antinuclear antibodies, SMA = anti smooth muscle antibodies, SLA/LP = antibodies to a soluble liver antigen/liver pancreas, AIH = autoimmune hepatitis, PBC = primary biliary cirrhosis, AIC = autoimmune cholangitis/cholangiopathy, CVH = chronic viral hepatitis B or C, SLE = systemic lupus erythematosus, MCTD = mixed connective tissue disease, HC = healthy controls, LDC = liver disease controls, CD = coeliac disease, PSC = primary sclerosing cholangitis, NBNC = chronic hepatitis-non-B, non-C, DILI = drug-induced liver injury, NASH = non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, UC = ulcerative colitis, NAFLD = non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, CTD = collagen diseases.