Combination of MK-2206 and tyrphostin AG 1296 induces an additive inhibition of cell migration and invasion in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cells.
Notes: (A) KAT4 cells were treated with MK-2206 (1 μM), tyrphostin AG 1296 (1 μM), or both for 8 hours. The nonmigrated cells on the upper surface of the filter were removed, and the migrated cells on the lower side were stained and photographed. The representative images are shown. Cells were lysed and colorimetric determination was made at 595 nm. (B) Quantitation of the inhibition from the transwell assay. (C) A scratch was introduced into a monolayer of KAT4 cells, followed by treatment with MK-2206 (1 μM), tyrphostin AG 1296 (1 μM), or both for 8 hours. The width of wounded cell monolayer was measured in five random fields, and representative images are shown (white dash lines show the original wound width, yellow lines show the final wound width). (D) Quantitation of the inhibition from the transwell assay. (E) KAT4 cells were seeded on a matrigel precoated transwell membrane, and the treatment and analysis were similar with the transwell assay. (F) Quantitation of the inhibition from the invasion assay. (G) Treatment with MK-2206, tyrphostin AG 1296, or both at 1 μM for 8 hours had no significant cytotoxic effects on KAT4 cells. ** denotes P<0.01.