A schematic model illustrating the pathway of HJURP recruitment to centromeres. During G2 and M phase, high CDK activity phosphorylates Mis18BP1 and HJURP. The phosphorylation of Mis18BP1 prevents its binding with CENP-C, and phosphorylated HJURP prevents HJURP-Mis18β interaction. Therefore, CENP-A incorporation is inhibited. When cells exited mitosis, CDK activity decreased sharply. Mis18BP1 and HJURP were dephosphorylated by phosphatase. Therefore, CENP-A nucleosome recruits CENP-C, and CENP-C recruits Mis18 complex at late anaphase by directly binding with Mis18BP1. In turn, Mis18 complex recruits prenucleosomal CENP-A complex through direct binding between Mis18β and HJURP.