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. 2014 Feb 7;289(12):8656–8667. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.536250



Partial 1H-13C two-dimensional HSQC (green) and HMBC (orange) NMR spectra of β-S-thioether-linked compounds in D2O, where 1H chemical shifts are plotted on the x axis (2.60–4.65 ppm), 13C chemical shifts are plotted on the y axis (24.0–64.0 ppm), and non-1H-13C-correlating HMBC spectral regions are indicated (gray). Proton assignment labels correspond with the carbon to which the proton is bound. Alphabetical subscripts differentiate two non-identical geminal protons. A, chemically synthesized GS-βVE. Proton peaks that did not integrate as expected are denoted with an asterisk (see “Results”). B, chemically synthesized mixture of GS-β(S)VG (red labels) and GS-β(R)VG (blue labels). Overlapping GS-β(S)VG and GS-β(R)VG 1H and 13C spectral regions are indicated (black labels).