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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Mar 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2013 Dec 14;53(3):351–361.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2013.11.012


Clusters With Significant Associations With Emotional Lability (EL) Scores

Right amygdala ROI Cluster Size X Y Z Max Z p
Negative relationship with EL
 Cluster 1: Posterior insula (L) 2,245 340 312 6 4.47 .0003
  Parietal operculum 356 324 16 3.64
  Precentral gyrus 352 38 30 3.42
358 0 12 3.35
  Insula 334 322 24 3.06
 Cluster 2: Posterior insula (R) 4,400 62 38 32 4.91 .0001
56 328 14 4.85
40 38 10 4.64
26 0 310 3.74

Left amygdala ROI

 Positive relationship with EL
  Rostral ACC 1,329 18 48 2 4.00 .0043
36 44 310 3.28
  Frontal Pole 314 72 10 3.60
 Negative relationship with EL
 Cluster 1: Superior temporal gyrus (L) 1,675 352 6 36 3.85 .0009
324 6 28 3.74
  Insula 342 312 4 3.58
344 12 328 3.53
350 328 20 3.78
  Insula 338 8 10 3.02
 Cluster 2: Superior temporal gyrus (R) 3,238 66 320 8 4.64 .0001
  Insula 38 318 10 4.11
42 32 310 3.88
34 8 14 3.52
  Post-central gyrus 66 38 34 3.34
60 4 4 3.34
36 26 6 3.23

Note: Cluster size is represented by the number of voxels present in the cluster. X, Y, Z represent Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) Coordinates for the cluster peak maximum Z values. ACC = anterior cingulate cortex; L = left; Max = maximum; R = right; ROI = region of interest.