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. 2014 Mar 19;17(1):18585. doi: 10.7448/IAS.17.1.18585

Table 4.

Early and later adolescent pregnancy and subsequent behavioural outcomes

Sexual risk behaviours: No pregnancy (N=799) 95% CI Pregnancy ≤15 (n=31) 95% CI Pregnancy 16–19 (N=150) 95% CI p
Condom use p=0.01
Always 24.16 20.74–27.93 25.81 13.92–42.80 14.00 8.9–21.34
193/799 8/31 21/150
Sometimes/often 30.66 26.66–34.99 29.03 17.55–44.01 30.67 23.35–39.10
245/799 9/31 46/150
Never 45.18 40.27–50.19 45.16 31.37–59.74 55.33 46.97–63.41
361/799 14/31 83/150
Partner numbers N=812 N=31 N=151 p=0.01
1 68.97 65.60–72.15 64.52 47.85–78.28 72.19 63.23–79.66
560/812 20 109
2 to 3 28.45 25.54–31.54 22.58 11.91–38.62 24.5 18.00–32.43
231 7 37
4+ 2.59 1.75–3.81 12.9 5.15–28.80 3.31 1.37–7.80
21 4 5
Type of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) N=887 N=31 N=151 p=0.11
None 67.42 63.88–70.77 58.06 38.91–75.06 72.85 65.58–79.07
598/887 18/31 110/151
Physical only 20.07 17.39–23.05 19.35 9.12–36.47 20.53 15.23–27.09
178/887 6/31 31/151
Sexual 5.98 4.32–8.21 6.45 1.66–21.98 1.32 0.33–5.22
53/887 2/31 2/151
Physical and sexual 6.54 4.95–8.59 16.13 6.18–35.95 5.3 2.39–11.32
58/887 5/31 8/151
Any transactional sex 23.99 20.26–28.15 25.81 12.99–44.77 28.48 21.72–36.36 p=0.52
195/813 8/31 43/151
Relationship control 796 30 146 p=0.89
Low equity 33.17 29.18–37.41 30 16.24–48.65 34.93 27.10–43.67
264/796 9/30 51/146
Medium equity 52.64 48.84–56.40 50 30.84–69.16 52.05 43.27–60.71
419/796 15/30 76/146
High equity 14.2 11.48–17.43 20 8.44–40.40 13.01 8.33–19.75
113/796 6/30 19/146

Note: Teenage pregnancy in this exploratory analysis is the exposure of interest and the sexual risk behaviours are the outcomes.