Table 1. Primer sequences were obtained for the relevant genes of interest from GenBank (except for the primers for the circadian study arm).
Collagen Type 1α | Sense Primer: 5′-GAACGGTCCACGATTGCATG-3′ Antisense Primer: 5′-GGCATGTTGCTAGGCACGAAG-3′ Annealing temp: 55°C | Expected Weight: 167 bp |
TGF-ß1 | Sense Primer: 5′-AAAATCAAGTGTGGAGCAAC-3′ Antisense Primer: 5′-CCACGTGGAGTTTGTTATCT-3′ Annealing temp: 59°C | Expected Weight: 224 |
αSMA | Sense Primer: 5′-ATCTGGCACCACTCTTTCTA-3′ Antisense Primer: 5′-GTACGTCCAGAGGCATAGAG-3′ Annealing temp: 59°C | Expected Weight: 191 bp |
IL-6 | Sense Primer: 5′-GTTTGGTAGCATCCATCATT-3′ Antisense Primer: 5′-TTCACAGAGGATACCACTCC-3′ Annealing temp: 55°C | Expected Weight: 203 bp |
TNF-α | Sense Primer: 5′-CCCTTCATCTTCCTCCTTAT-3′ Antisense Primer: 5′-TCCAGCTGACTAAACATCCT-3′ Annealing temp: 55°C | Expected Weight: 220 bp |
GAPDH | Sense Primer: 5′-CACAATTTCCATCCCAGACC-3′ Antisense Primer: 5′-GGGTGCAGCGAACTTTATTG-3′ Annealing temp: 60°C | Expected Weight: 93 bp |
Clock | Cat. No: QT00197547. Annealing temp: 55°C | Qiagen |
Period 1 | Cat. No: QT00113337. Annealing temp: 55°C | Qiagen |
Period 2 | Cat. No: QT00198366. Annealing temp: 55°C | Qiagen |
REV-ERB α | Cat. No: QT00164556. Annealing temp: 55°C | Qiagen |
BMAL-1 | Cat. No: QT00101647. Annealing temp: 55°C | Qiagen |
The primer sequences were analyzed for optimum primers using Primer 3 Software. Ready-to-use Quantitect Primer Assays (Qiagen) were purchased for the circadian arm of the study. Each assay contains forward and reverse primers that are generated from the NCBI Reference Sequence database, optimised and bioinformatically validated.