Figure 2. RIP2 knock-down ameliorate Fas ligand-mediated cytotoxicity in bronchial epithelial cells.
A. BEAS-2B cells (1.5×105 cells/well) in 12-wells plate were reverse transfected with 50 pmol scrambled control (siCtr) or RIP2 small interfering RNA (siRIP2) using lipofectamine 2000. On the following day the medium was replaced and cell treated with CH11, (1.0 μg/ml) for additional 24 h. Cell supernatants and lysates were harvested and used for immunoblotting, quantitative PCR, and LDH assay. B. BEAS-2B cells were harvested after 24 h of siRIP2, mRNA harvested, reverse transcribed to cDNA and quantified by RT-q (or quantitative) PCR for RIP2 expression and C, RIP2 protein expression differences between siCtr and siRIP2 BEAS-2B was determined by immunoblot with RIP2 specific antibody (at 1:200 dilution). β-actin was used as loading control. Results are shown as mean ± SD of triplicate measurements.The asterisk indicates a significant difference between siCtr and siRIP2-treated cells, as analyzed by Student's t-test (* p<0.05).