(A and B) HeLa, A549 and HepG2 cells were transfected with the siRNAs of negative control (NC), PKM2 (si-PKM2), HSP40 (si-HSP40) or both. The media were collected for analysis of glucose consumption and lactate production (mean ± S.D., n = 3). (C and D) HeLa, A549 and HepG2 cells were transfected with empty vector, HA-PKM2 or both HA-PKM2 and Flag-HSP40. The media were collected to analysis of glucose consumption and lactate production (mean ± S.D., n = 3). (E) Basal OCR of HeLa, A549 and HepG2 cells after transfected with NC or si-HSP40 were detected by seahorse XF24 extracellular flux analyzer. (F) HeLa cells were transfected with NC or si-HSP40. 24 h after transfection, the cells were replanted to detect O2 consumption rate (OCR) by seahorse XF24 extracellular flux analyzer (mean ± S.D., n = 5). (mean ± S.D., n = 5).