FIG. 8.
Contributions of individual sequences. (A) Path from the root to node 73 in PRTaseII hierarchy B. (B) Histogram showing the LLR contributions of the sequences assigned to node 73. This reveals a bimodal distribution, with 8 negative and 34 positive subLLR(i, h = 73) contributors. These sequence sets are denoted as Set73N and Set73P, respectively. (C) Heat map of foreground (Set73P, Set73N) and background (Set15, Set27) sequence sets associated with the node 73 contrast alignment. (D) Bar graph showing the subLLR(i,h) contributions and percentile rank of the poorest scoring sequence in (B), namely, nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase from Bacillus methanolicus PB1; below are shown the corresponding nodes, which occur along the path shown in (A). (E) Histogram showing the LLR contributions of the sequences assigned to subtree 15. The red arrow indicates the score for the sequence in (D).