Figure 2. Whole-cell current and current-voltage relations for channels with kainate receptor pores.
(a) Whole-cell current (mean ± s.e.m.) evoked by 10 μM NMDA plus 10 μM glycine in HEK 293 cells transfected with edited (R) or unedited (Q) N1/K2 and N2B/K2 chimaeric subunits. Agonist application did not elicit current in cells transfected with the N1/K2(Q/R) or N2B/K2(Q/R) subunits alone. Sample size is shown for each bar. (inset) Current recorded from a cell transfected with N1/K2(Q)+N2B/K2(Q). (b-e) Whole-cell currents evoked by 10 μM NMDA and 10 μM glycine as the membrane potential was ramped from −160 to +110 mV at 0.75 mv msec−1. (b) Bi-rectification of current mediated by N1/K2(Q)+N2B/K2(Q) reflects block by endogenous polyamines, as well as 20 μM spermine added to the internal solution, with relief of block as the polyamines permeate the channel at positive potentials. Polyamine block was eliminated by Arg substitution at the Q/R site of either the N1/K2 (c) or N2B/K2 (d) subunit, or both subunits (e).