Figure 5. Radial symmetry in chimaeric receptor pores.
(a) Interaction matrix for Q/R editing and L614A substitutions to chimaeric N1/K2 and N2B/K2 subunits. Matrix elements display I DHA / I control as mean ± sem (# of cells). Color code: No A + <2R, white; No A + 2R, grey; A not with R, green; 1R with 1 or 2 A, yellow; 1A with 2R, tan; 2A with 2R, pink. (b) Diamonds plot I DHA / I control for the 4 main diagonal elements (Mji versus Mij where i = j) outlined in bold in (a). Circles plot I DHA / I control in N2B/K2 versus N1/K2 for symmetric constructs (off diagonal matrix elements, Mji versus Mij and i ≠ j). Pearson product moment correlation coefficient = 0.925 for the six off diagonal points indicates strong symmetric association (P = 0.0083 that the association is invalid). In addition, linear regression to the 6 off diagonal matrix element points (solid line, 2 parameters) was not statistically superior (F test) to the line of identity through the symmetric main diagonal elements (dashed line, no free parameters). The solid line is shown in cyan over the range of off diagonal points used for regression. It is extended to each axis in red. * Only the N1/K2(Q) +N2B/K2(R)L614A, N1/K2(R)L614A+N2B/K2(Q) coordinate pair displayed significant asymmetry (P = 0.002, one way ANOVA with post hoc Student-Newman-Keuls comparison).