WT1(RP23-8C14)-Cre is expressed in the epicardium and epicardial derived lineages. The fate of cells expressing WT1(RP23-8C14)-Cre was determined by crossing with Rosa26R-βgal (A)–(D) and Rosa26R-eYFP (E)–(J) mice. At E9.5 WT1(RP23-8C14)-Cre+ cells are seen in the proepicardium ((A), arrow). At E10.5 (B) reporter expression is observed in the epicardium. At 12.5 (C) WT1(RP23-8C14)-Cre continues to label the epicardium and sub-epicardial mesenchymal cells. At 14.5 (D) WT1(RP23-8C14)-Cre labels cells of the epicardium, the sub-epicardium, and the myocardium. Co-staining with Rosa26R.eYFP (Green, (E)–(J)) found the majority of vascular eYPF+ cells co-stained with the smooth muscle cell marker, smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (Blue, (E)–(G)) and occasional co-expression (arrowheads) with the endothelial cell marker, PECAM (Red, (E)–(G)). Co-staining with the cardiomyocyte marker, Nkx2.5 (Red, (H)–(J)), found WT1(RP23-8C14)-Cre does express in a small population of cardiomyoctyes from E12.5 ((H)–(J)) on. Scale bars in (A)–(D) represent 500 µm. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)