Figure 3. Principal Component Analysis suggests decreased importance of primary pro-inflammatory mediators in treatment response.
Ascites = Inflammatory mediator found in the ascites. Plasma = Inflammatory mediator found in the plasma. Note that the PaO2/FiO2 ratio (PF) and oxygen index (OI) are global measures included in both ascites and plasma analyses. Control: The Control Group (n=6) did not have the ascites suctioned from the peritoneal cavity. PST: The Peritoneal Suction Treatment Group (n=6) was treated in an identical fashion except that a vacuum was applied to the peritoneal cavity to remove ascites and maintained until T48 hrs. Variables are ordered by the sum of their contribution to all components, with contributions to individual components represented by different colored sections of the bars. In ascites the rankings of IL-6, TNF-α and IL-1β decrease from control to PST, a similar effect is seen to a lesser extent in plasma. OI decreases markedly in rank from control to PST in both ascites and plasma.