Table I.
Studies systematically reviewed to determine if sCOMP is elevated in patients with radiographically diagnosed knee OA
Authors | Level of evidence (CEBM) |
Quality index score (%) |
Study design | OA group inclusion criteria |
No. control patients |
No. OA patients |
Dependent variables measured |
Cibere et al. (2009)14, * | 2b | 81.25% | Exploratory cohort | Aged 40–79 years; pain, aching, or discomfort in or around the knee on most days of the month at any time in the past; any pain, aching, or discomfort in or around the knee in the past 12 months | 16 | Pre- ROA = 105 ROA = 80† Total = 185 |
Clark et al. (2007)4 | 2b | 81.25% | Retrospective cohort | Caucasian, knee OA K/L ≥ 2 | 148 | K/L 2 = 109 K/L 3,4 = 34 Total = 143 |
Fernandeset al. (2007)3, ‡ | 4 | 68.75% | Case control | Aged 40–70 years, mechanical pain in one or both knees for minimum 3 months, and knee crepitus upon clinical evaluation | 86 | SOA = 75** Pain = 11 NOA = 18** Total = 104 |
Jordan et al. (2003)23 | 2b | 87.5% | Retrospective cohort | Radiographs and serum COMP samples in database | 302 | K/L 2 = 313 K/L 3 = 110 K/L 4 = 44 Total = 467 |
Mundermann et al. (2009)33 | 4 | 43.75% | Case control | Definite osteophyte presence in the medial or lateral tibiofemoral compartment; a narrowest point inter-bone distance of the medial compartment less than the lateral compartment; pain in and around at least one knee for most of the days in the past months; at least some difficulty with two or more items in the WOMAC physical function scale | 41 | K/L 1 = 11 K/L 2 = 7 K/L 3 = 12 K/L 4 = 12 Total = 42 |
Gait analysis; ambulatory load and sCOMP |
Senolt et al. (2004)11 | 4 | 25% | Case control | Undergoing arthrocentesis, no history of renal disease of diabetes mellitus and had normal levels of creatinine | 38 | K/L 1 = 2 K/L 2 = 18 K/L 3 = 14 K/L 4 = 4 Total = 38 |
sCOMP and Pentosidine |
Wakitani et al. (2007)12,†† | 4 | 25% | Case control | Patients undergoing knee surgery | 24 | K/L 1 = 7 K/L 2 = 4 K/L 3 = 6 K/L 4 = 7 Total = 24 |
Articular cartilage assessment, keratan sulfate, CS6, CS846, HA and sCOMP and synovial COMP |
Pre-ROA = pre-radiographic OA (K/L < 2); ROA = radiographic OA (K/L ≥ 2); C2C = Type II collagen cleavage neopeptide; C1, 2C = Types I and II collagen cleavage neoepitope; CS846 = cartilage proteoglycan aggrecan turnover epitope; NTX-I = N-telopeptide of type I collagen; CTX-II = C-telopeptide of type II collagen; HA = hyaluronan acid; WOMAC = Western Ontario McMaster University Index.
Only the ROA group was used for this review.
SOA (symptomatic OA) = K/L grades 2, 3, 4; NOA (non-symptomatic OA) = K/L 2 or higher; Pain = K/L 0 or 1; VAS = visual analog scale.
Only the SOA and NOA groups were used for this review.
C6S = chondroitin 6 sulfate.