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. 2014 Mar 20;4(3):e004648. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004648

Table 4.

HRs with 95% CIs of mortality between 90 days and 5 years in a subgroup analyses of the most common types of reoperations after oesophagectomy, based on 1822 patients undergoing oesophageal cancer surgery in 1987–2012 in Sweden

Type of reoperation Number of patients (%) HR (95% CI)*,†
Exploratory laparotomy 47 (19) 1.17 (0.82 to 1.67)
Reoperation for anastomotic insufficiency 43 (17) 1.82 (1.19 to 2.76)
Wound revision 50 (20) 1.32 (0.87 to 2.00)

*Adjusted for sex, age, comorbidities, tumour stage, histology, neoadjuvant therapy, radicality, surgeon volume and calendar period.

†Missing values of covariates were missing at random and considered as a separate group.