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. 2014 Mar 5;2014:425787. doi: 10.1155/2014/425787

Table 2.

Randomized controlled trials using small media as interventional strategy.

Author Aim Intervention Participants,
n (%)
Follow-up (months)
Hart et al. (1997) [29] FOBT completion after intervention Group 1: invitation letter with mailed FOBT, brochure with educational information about CRC and screening, and prepaid envelope to return FOBT 786 36 (men aged 61–65) NR
39 (men aged 66–70)
38 (women aged 61–65)
31 (women aged 66–70)
Group 2: invitation letter with mailed FOBT and prepaid envelope to return FOBT 785 27 (men aged 61–65)
23 (men aged 66–70)
36 (women aged 61–65)
31 (women aged 66–70)

Pignone et al. (2000) [30] CRC screening after intervention Group 1: 11-minute video about colon cancer screening and color-coded educational brochure 125 37* 7
Group 2: generic brochure on automobile safety 124 23

Friedman et al. (2001) [31] FOBT completion after intervention Group 1: educational video about main topics about CRC, screening benefits and FOBT completion, educational brochure, and note card to order FOBT 110 44 2
Group 2: same information given to Group 1 plus questionnaires before and after the video 50 36
Group 3: brochure plus note card to order screening

Dolan and Frisina (2002) [32] Any screening test after intervention Group 1: decision aid about the different CRC screening tests available (Analytic Hierarchy Process) 45 40 6
Group 2: one-to-one simple educational intervention, consisting of the explanation of the screening options 43 33

Wardle et al. (2003) [33] Flexible sigmoidoscopy screening after intervention Group 1: mailed intervention brochure addressing barriers and benefits of flexible sigmoidoscopy screening 1453 54* (<0.05) 24
Group 2: standard invitation group 1513 50

Ruffin and Gorenflo (2004) [34] Any screening test after intervention Group 1: usual care 4212 FOBT 40.9; other 11 36
Group 2: office intervention. To provide, at every patient encounter, past screening history and current screening recommendations for access by all the staff 4160 FOBT 24; other 13
Group 3: patient intervention. To provide patients the current screening guidelines and a record of their past screening and cues to the future 4286 FOBT 33.9; other 16
Group 4: Groups 2 and 3 combined 4557 FOBT 34 other 8

Church et al. (2004) [17] Any screening test after intervention Group 1: mailed FOBT and educational brochure 1255 13.2* 12
Group 2: same as Group 1 and phone call reminder 14.1
Group 3: just mailed FOBT 7.8

Campbell et al. (2004) [35] FOBT screening test after intervention Group 1: tailored print and video intervention (educational newsletters, and targeted videotapes about beliefs, barriers, knowledge and motivation) 587 37* 12
Group 2: Lay Health Advisor intervention (enhanced support for healthy eating, physical activity, and CRC screening) 33
Group 3: combined Group 1 and Group 2 31
Group 4: usual care 22

Zapka et al. (2004) [36] Any CRC screening test after intervention Group 1: mailed CRC educational videotape 938 55 6
Group 2: usual care 55

Lipkus et al. (2005) [37] FOBT screening after intervention Group 1: nontailored information including a brochure about CRC risk factors 216 60 (year 1); 52 (year 2)
41 (year 3)
Group 2: nontailored information: same information given to Group 1 plus lifestyle information and occupational risk factors 212 60 (year 1); 54 (year 2)
59 (year 3)*
Group 3: Tailored information: same information given to Group 1 plus tailored information highlighting the risk factor which increases their personal CRC risk 218 68 (year 1); 57 (year 2)
49 (year 3)
Group 4: Tailored information: same information given to Group 3 plus counselling about lifestyles and occupational factors on CRC risk 214 74 (year 1)*; 59 (year 2)
51 (year 3)

Segnan et al. (2005) [18] Screening FS or FOBT after intervention Group 1: mailed invitation to biennial FOBT, FOBT, instructions, educational leaflet, and 2 reminder letters 26682 30 24
Group 2: biennial FOBT delivered by the PCP or screening facility 28
Group 3: same as Group 1 and invitation to choose between FOBT and once only FS 27
Group 4: same as Group 1 and mailed invitation to FS 28
Group 5: same as Group 1 and invitation to FS followed by biennial FOBT 28

Marcus et al. (2005) [38] Any CRC screening test Group 1: educational message encouraging screening and single untailored mailed booklet 380 42 14
Group 2: educational message encouraging screening and single tailored mailed booklet 377 44
Group 3: educational message encouraging screening and multiple tailored print materials using information at baseline mailed at different intervals 424 51**
Group 4: educational message encouraging screening and multiple tailored print materials using information at baseline and at 6 months. They were mailed at different intervals 419 48

Miller et al. (2005) [39] FOBT screening after intervention Group 1: computer educational program about FOBT 93 62 1
Group 2: participants received instructions by a nurse on how to complete FOBT 101 63

Denberg et al. (2006) [19] Screening colonoscopy after intervention Group 1: mailed educational brochure with reminder after primary care visit 781 70.7* 4
Group 2: usual care 59

Myers et al. (2007) [20] FOBT screening after intervention Group 1: mailed letter, information booklet, FOBT, and reminder letter 1546 46* 24
Group 2: same as Group 1 and tailored message pages 44
Group 3: same as Group 2 and reminder phone call 48
Group 4: usual care 33

Costanza et al. (2007) [40] Any CRC screening after intervention Group 1: educational brochure and tailored computer assisted telephone counselling by trained interviewers 2448 25 22
Group 2: usual care 24

Ruffin et al. (2007) [41] CRC screening after intervention Group 1: interactive educational website about CRC tests 174 56* 6
Group 2: same information given to group 1 but noninteractive 33

Chan and Vernon (2008) [21] FOBT screening after intervention Group 1 (home e-mail access): e-mailed reminders, FOBT, last screening results, and link for additional information 97 26 18
Group 2 (home e-mail access): usual care 23
Group 3 (public library access): same as Group 1 0
Group 4 (public library access): same as Group 2 33

Sequist et al. (2009) [22] Any screening test after intervention Group 1: educational pamphlet, mailed FOBT with an stamped return envelope, telephone number to schedule colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy, and mailed reminder 21860 44* 15
Group 2: usual care 38.1

Lee et al. (2009) [23] FOBT screening after intervention Group 1: mailed educational reminder, mailed FOBT, and postage paid return envelope 775 64.4* 6
Group 2: mailed FOBT and postage paid return envelope 48.4

Percac-Lima et al. (2009) [42] Colonoscopy screening after intervention Group 1: introductory letter and language-concordant phone call 1223 27 9
Group 2: usual care 12

Gimeno-Garcia et al. (2009) [43] FOBT after intervention Group 1: CRC educational video 158 69.6* 2 weeks
Group 2: nonmedical video 54.4

Aragones et al. (2010) [44] CRC screening after intervention Group 1: CRC educational video and brochure 65 55 3
Group 2: usual care 11

Simon et al. (2010) [45] CRC screening after intervention Group 1: automated telephone with information for CRC screening 20938 30.6 12
Group 2: usual care 30.4

Lasser et al. (2011) [46] Colonoscopy or FOBT screening after intervention Group 1: introductory letter with educational material and telephone calls (language concordant) 465 33.6∗‡ 12
Group 2: usual care 20

Sequist et al. (2011) [24] Any screening test after intervention Group 1: electronic reminders, educational information, and link for additional information 1103 15.8 4
Group 2: usual care 13.1

Vernon et al. (2011) [47] CRC screening after intervention Group 1: tailored group (narrative videos, list of common concerns about CRC screening, and patient-physician discussion) 413 28 6
Group 2: website program (educational program developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) 398 31
Group 3: usual care 413 30

Cameron et al. (2011) [25] Any screening test after intervention Group 1: reminder letter, educational brochure, educational digital video disc, and phone call reminder 628 18.2* 6
Group 2: usual care 12.1

Doorenbos et al. (2011) [27] Any screening test after intervention Group 1: reminders and e-mailed calendar with messages of CRC screening 5633 4.1 15
Group 2: calendar without any message 4.4

Misra et al. (2011) [48] Any screening test after intervention Group 1: usual care 1224 33.4# 12
Group 2: web-based program (educational program developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) 35.4
Group 3: tailored interactive computer based intervention (based on the transtheoretical model) 32

*Intervention groups increased CRC screening rates compared with the usual care.

**Intervention 3 versus Intervention 1, P = 0.03.

Significantly higher participation in the group of participants who viewed the video.

More beneficial for patients whose primary language was not English.

#Despite the fact that there were no significant differences in participation, the usual care strategy was the most cost-effective strategy.

NR: nonreported.