Figure 1. Robo2 is expressed by Purkinje cells.
(A-C) In situ hybridization of Robo1(A) and Robo2 (B) in P14 cerebellum. ML, PCL, GCL are shown in a high magnification region of the cerebellum for Robo2 (C). Arrows indicate PC somas. Scale bars: A-C, 100μm;
(D-I) Sections of P21 cerebellum from animals carrying both a Pcp2-Cre driver and Robo2+/+ (D-F) or Robo2flox/flox (G-I) alleles were stained with antibodies for Calbindin (D,G) or Robo2 (E,H). In the merged image of the Pcp2-Cre ;Robo2+/+ section (F), the red Robo2 signal is similar to the green Calbindin staining in the cell body and primary dendrites, giving yellowing appearance, whereas it is much stronger on the spiny dendrites, making the entire ML reddish. In the Pcp2-Cre;Robo2flox/flox section, Robo2 immunostaining was undetectable (H), resulting in a ML labeled mostly with the green Calbindin label in the merged image (I). Note, interneuron cell bodies were not labeled and appeared as black holes (arrows heads, D-F). Scale bar: D-I, 20μm.
See also Figure S1.