Figure 3.
Posttranslational Activation of KAN1-GR Produces Defects in Leaf Polarity and Meristem Function.
Continuous exposure of KAN1-GR seedlings to 10 μM DEX (B) on media for 9 d led to loss of cotyledon blade expansion, formation of partially radialized leaf primordia, and inhibition of further shoot meristem activity consistent with strong KAN1 overexpression. Mock-treated KAN1-GR seedlings (A) resembled mock- or DEX- treated Col seedlings (Supplemental Figure 2). By contrast, soil-grown KAN1-GR seedlings exposed every other day to 10 μM DEX ([D] and [F]) displayed reduced petiole and blade expansion with strong epinasty leading to leaves with an asymmetric appearance ([G]; bottom) that was not evident in mock-treated plants ([C], [E], and [G]; top). Plants were photographed at 14 ([C] and [D]) and 29 d old ([E] to [G]).