The Kinetics and Extent of Cytochrome
b6f Complex Degradation
Depends on the Genotype of the Strain with Regard to Nitrogen
(A) Growth characteristics and accumulation of cytochrome
f and LAO1 during nitrogen starvation of strains WT
4γ (NIT1 NIT2), nit1-137,
nit4-104, nit2-124, and WT-S24
(nit1-137 nit2-124). Accumulation of the PSII subunit D1 is shown as a
loading control. For nit1-137 NIT2 and nit4-104
NIT2 strains, the starvation was performed over 60 h to
assess the stability of the cytochrome
b6f complex and the
delayed and limited induction of LAO1.
(B) Change in photosynthetic electron transfer
(ΦPSII) in the same strains starved for nitrogen