Figure 2.
Activity of PSC Neurons in the Presence and Absence of FSC
(A) Drawings illustrate inhibitory (red box) and excitatory (green box) neurotransmitter receptors, and indicate the antagonists used.
(B) Mean firing rates (MFRs; 100 ms smoothed spike count in bin [spikes in 10 ms intervals]).
(C) Spike raster plots (SRPs).
(D) Original traces of nine channels of an MEA recording.
(E) Diagrams showing neuronal activity in standard medium (i in B–D, white bars in E), disinhibition conditions (ii in B–D, gray bars in E), and after inhibition of GABAergic and glutamatergic FSC (iii in B–D, black bars in E) in PSC-neuronal networks.
(B) MFRs show the (ii) appearance or (i and iii) absence of PB.
(C) In SRPs, each dot represents a spike recorded by one electrode at a certain time point.
(D) In original traces of MEA recordings, each box shows a 10 s extracellular recording detected by one electrode.
(E) Diagrams show (i) the mean number (#) of extracellularly recorded spikes in 2 min, (ii) the percentage of spikes organized as bursts, (iii) the network synchrony indicated as Cohen’s kappa, and (iv) the number of spike-detecting electrodes under standard medium conditions or disinhibition conditions (Gz, gabazine treatment), and after 15 min and 1 hr inhibition of FSC (G/A/N = gabazine, D-AP-5, and NBQX treatment). n = 17; data are mean values ± SD (t test; ns, not significant; ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001. See also Figure S1 for the activity of mESC-derived IANs under aCSF. See Figure S2 for the activity of IANs in prolonged cultured PSC, primary cortical, and hippocampal neuronal assemblies, and Figure S3 for the activity of IANs 15 min and 60 min after the application of G/A/N.