Figure 3.
Global Gene-Expression Analysis after Induction of Oct4 Alone
(A) Scatter plots comparing expression profile before and after Oct4 overexpression for each cell type examined (log2 scale). Probes with increased and decreased intensity upon Oct4 induction are depicted in red and green, respectively. The blue area contains equally expressed probes (<2-fold difference). The two Oct4 probes are highlighted.
(B) Identification of the OCT4-induced upregulated genes. Heatmaps show the temporal changes in signal intensities for the ten genes presenting the highest score value. The expression levels in an ESC control are shown for comparison.
(C) Identification of OCT4-induced downregulated genes. Heatmaps show the temporal changes in signal intensities for the ten genes presenting the lowest score.
(D) Principal-component analysis (PCA) of global transcriptome data. The three principal components that contribute most strongly to the variability among the individual samples are shown. The numbers inside the circles denote hours after Oct4 induction. P.C., principal component.
See also Figures S2, S3, and Tables S1–S4.