Table I.
Case no. | Gender | Age (years) | Diagnosis | Eye | Duration of diseasea | Morphology of cupping | BCVAb | Visual field defect |
1 | F | 41 | Neuromyelitis optica | OS | 2 years | Diffuse | OD 0.2, OS FC/20 cm |
Central scotoma |
2 | M | 18 | LHON | OU | 2 years | Diffuse | OD 0.1, OS 0.05 | Central scotoma |
3 | F | 62 | CLRAO, CRVO | OD | 10 months | Diffuse | OD 0.15, OS 0.25 | Inferior defect |
4 | M | 26 | Pituitary adenoma | OU | 10 months | Bilateral nasal (more serious OD) | OD 0.8, OS 0.8 | Bitemporal hemianopsia |
5 | F | 31 | Cerebral hemorrhage | OU | 13 months | Temporal OS, nasal OD | OD 1.0, OS 1.0 | Bilateral homonymous hemianopia in the right side |
6 | M | 55 | Optic neuritis | OD | 1 year | Diffuse | OD 0.3 | Diffuse defect |
7 | M | 47 | Optic neuritis | OU | 10 months | Diffuse | OD 1.0, OS 0.12 | Diffuse defect OS, more serious superiorly. Superior defect OD |
8 | F | 8 | Optic neuritis | OU | 6 months | Diffuse | OD 0.8, OS 0.8 | Diffuse defect, more serious peripherally |
9 | F | 48 | Optic neuritis | OS | 1 year | Diffuse | 0.1 | Unknown |
10 | M | 39 | Pituitary adenoma | OU | 2 years | Diffuse | OD 1.2, OS HM before eye |
Diffuse defect OS Nasal hemianopia OD |
11 | F | 30 | Optic nerve injury | OU | 2 years | Diffuse | NLP, OU | Unavailable |
12 | M | 63 | CRAO | OD | 3 months | Diffuse | 0.1 | Diffuse defect |
Indicates the time period between the clinical discovery of ODC and onset of the disease.
Indicates BCVA post follow-up.
NGODC, nonglaucomatous optic disc cupping; F, female; M, male; LHON, Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy; CLRAO, cilioretinal artery occlusion; CRVO, central retinal vein occlusion; CRAO, central retinal artery occlusion; OS, oculus sinister; OU, oculus uterque; OD, oculus dexter; FC, finger counting; HM, hand movement; NLP, no light perception; BCVA, best corrected visual acuity.