Figure 11. Ultrastructure of the AWC cilium.
(A) 3D reconstruction model of an AWC winged cilium, indicating TZ (purple) and MTs. Light purple—dMTs; red—isMTs; green—MTs (undetermined). Labels indicate approximate location of sections shown in C–G. Scale bar: 1 μm. (B) 3D reconstruction model of left and right AWC cilia with a single cross-sectional view indicating the extension of the AWC wings from their lateral/amphid lip to adjacent dorsal and ventral lips. Anterior is at left. Scale bar: 1 μm. (C and C′) Distal segment of AWC indicating few sMTs. In lighter blue is the AWC cilium from the opposite side. (D and D′) Middle segment of AWC indicating few sMTs and dMTs. (E and E′) Proximal middle segment of AWC indicating spreading of the AWC wing and disorganized isMTs and dMTs. (F) dMTs and isMTs become disorganized in the middle segment of AWC. (G) The AWC TZ with nine dMTs and isMTs. Scale bar: 100 nm.