(A) Clipped view of a 3D reconstruction model of AFD and its PCMC, TZ (purple) and the CeAJ (light blue). Scale bar: 200 nm. (Bi–iii) ssTEM images of the (Bi) TZ/apical region of the PCMC, (Bii) middle plane with vesicles (V), and rootlet-like structures (R), and the CeAJ between the AFD cilium and sheath cell process (Biii). Note that microvilli (Mv) branch from the PCMC. Scale bar: 100 nm. (C) 3D reconstruction of the ADF PCMC indicating its boundaries: TZ (purple) and the CeAJ (light blue). Scale bar: 200 nm. (Di–iii) ssTEM images of the apical part of the ADF PCMC with the basal portion of the TZ and vesicles (Di), middle PCMC plane with vesicles, unorganized MTs and rootlet-like structure (Dii), and (Diii) the CeAJ at the PCMC base. Scale bar: 100 nm.