(A) 3D reconstructed models of lateral IL1 and IL2 cilia and processes of associated support cells. TZs and CeAJs are indicated in purple and light blue, respectively. Approximate locations of cross-sections shown in B are indicated. (Bi–v) Shown are the IL2 plug (Bi; arrow), electron-dense disk at the tip of IL1 and material at the tip of IL2 (Bii, arrow and arrowhead, respectively), rootlet and rootlet-like structures (Biii; arrowheads); IL1 CeAJ and invaginations into the IL2 PCMC (Biv; arrow and arrowhead, respectively), and an IL2 CeAJ (Bv; arrow). Note that both cilia extend beyond their glial surrounds to enter a narrow pore in the lip cuticle (Bi, Bii). Scale bars: 500 nm (A), 100 nm (B).