Figure 4. C. elegans ciliary ultrastructure.
(A) Longitudinal section of an amphid channel cilium (ASE), showing distal segment (DS), middle segment (MS), TZ and PCMC. Flaring of the MTs at the ciliary base is indicated by arrowheads. (B) Longitudinal section of a long striated rootlet (R) within the dendrite of an IL1 neuron. Cross-section TEMs of (C) distal segment (ASE cilium), (D) middle segment (ASI cilium), and (E) TZ (ASI cilium). (Fi) Cross-section TEM of the rootlet-like material within the IL1 TZ, and (Fii) the rootlet within the IL1 dendrite. White arrows indicate outer sMTs (C) or dMTs (D). Yellow arrows indicate Y-links. Yellow and pink arrowheads indicate isMTs and rootlet, respectively. (Gi–iii) ssET of flared dMTs in cross-section at the TZ of ASI cilium. (Gi) Binned serial section tomogram (140 slices) and (Gi′) filtered image simulating a thick plastic section of the proximal ASI TZ. Serial section tomogram (10 slices binned) of the (Gii) distal and (Giii) proximal part of the same TZ region as in (Gi) shows distinct dMTs and isMTs. Scale bars: 100 nm. See Figure 4—figure supplement 1 for additional views of MTs, apical rings and rootlet-like structures, and Figure 4—figure supplement 2 for further ET analyses of the flared dMTs at the ciliary base.