Table 2.
Content of persistent organic pollutants in male chub (Leuciscus cephalus L.) (μg kg-1 of muscle, w.w.).
LOCATION | PCB* | DDT** | HCB | HCH*** | OCS |
ORLICE | 15.1±2.66 | 10.6±1.54 | 1.51±0.23 | 0.31±0.1 | 0.028±0.004 |
CHRUDIMKA | 9.1±1.18 | 13.0±1.27 | 1.57±0.10 | 0.22±0.04 | 0.041±0.003 |
CIDLINA | 13.7±3.24 | 8.1±1.67 | 0.52±0.05 | 0.45±0.10 | 0.072±0.02 |
JIZERA | 51.9±23.73 | 23.2±10.21 | 1.22±0.36 | 0.20±0.02 | 0.24±0.13 |
VLTAVA | 46.1±7.11 | 25.1±3.23 | 1.55±0.19 | 0.21±0.03 | 0.12±0.02 |
OHŘE | 68.6±10.95 | 44.0±5.51 | 2.82±0.38 | 0.56±0.21 | 0.46±0.23 |
BÍLINA | 31.9±2.92 | 14.4±1.73 | 2.93±0.38 | 0.32±0.01 | 0.10±0.02 |
BLANICE (control location) | 10.8±1.06 | 35.0±4.09 | 1.75±0.20 | 0.18±0.03 | 0.03±0.008 |
sum of 7 indicator congeners (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180);
sum of DDT (o,p'- DDE; p,p'- DDE; o,p'- DDD; p,p'- DDD; o,p' - DDT; p,p'- DDT);
sum of HCH isomers (α, β, γ)