Figure 5.
Structure of chromosomal genomic islands present in all AHP but absent in all AMP strains ((a) [VIBNI_A0333–0352], (b) [VIBNI_B1043–1063] and (c) [VIBNI_B1464–1471]), or present in all BHP and absent in the BNP strain ((d) [VIBNIAM115_840001–84152], (e) [VIBNIAM115_1620066–1620139]). CDSs in blue indicate a phage origin (a, b and d). CDSs in brown indicate a putative Hly translocator complex (c). CDSs in white encode proteins with unknown function. CDSs in black indicate the mobile genetic element boundaries, labeled ‘hypo' when encoding a hypothetical protein. ‘End' indicates the end of a contig. Within the ICE, recombination hot spot (HS) genes are indicated in pink (HS5), turquoise (HS1), orange (HS2), green (HS4), and yellow (HS3). The HS contents are shared by one or two other BHP strains (subscript). Regulator genes are indicated by a star.