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. 2014 Mar 20;11:E42. doi: 10.5888/pcd11.130261

Table 2. Sodium Reduction Strategies Most Often Implemented Among Hospitals Funded by Initiative, Illinois, July 2012.

Sodium Reduction Activity Funded (n = 8a)
Unfunded, July 2012 (n = 21), %
March 2012, % July 2012, %
Have a dialogue about the current food environment in your hospital and desire for improvements with a multidisciplinary team from the hospital. 75 100 43
Conduct an environmental scan of foods and beverages currently served and all settings in which foods and beverages are served. 63 100 48
Adopt language supporting the availability of healthful, lower-sodium food at meetings and workshops hosted by or at your hospital. 38 100 48
Include sodium information, especially major sources of sodium, as part of cardiac diet education to heart patients. 88 88 95
Place lower-sodium, more healthful options such as fruit at and around the point of purchase. 63 88 76
Label foods to identify those considered healthful. 25 88 52
Provide nutrition information in and around food service settings in the hospital (eg, table tents, signage, menu labeling, murals, brochures). 50 88 48
Establish a fast-food–free zone by disallowing outside fast-food chains to operate in your facility. 63 88 43
Prepare educational materials for patients’ families regarding the impact of sodium on blood pressure and hidden sources of sodium. 50 75 76
Incorporate nutrition information, including the importance of sodium reduction, into the hospital newsletter and other publications. 38 75 29
Partner with other community organizations on nutrition projects. 50 75 29
Communicate the business case for environmental change to hospital administrators and hospital boards of directors. 63 75 29
Assemble a core food team to assess the current hospital food environment, including what is currently available and attitudes and beliefs relating to food served in the hospital setting. 63 75 38
Display thought-provoking advertisements on vending machines and around food service settings, such as comparing a piece of fruit or 100% fruit juice with a traditional packaged snack and a message to “Choose wisely, your heart will thank you.” 25 75 14

Two hospitals are part of the same health system; 1 survey was completed to represent strategies implemented at both hospitals.