(a) Penetration of scattered radiation from 60 kVp beam through lead sheets (solid circles: ●), Garment A (solid square: ■), Garment B (solid diamond: ♦), and Garment C (solid triangle: ▲). The polynomial least-squares fit was anchored at (0,0) and the fit was used to calculate lead-equivalent thicknesses of tested garments. The drop lines mark the lead equivalence of the Garments A, B, and C. (b) Penetration of primary and scattered radiation from 80 kVp beam through lead sheets (primary, open circles: ○ and scattered, solid circles: ●), Garment A (primary, open square: □ and scattered, solid square: ■), Garment B (primary, open diamond: ◊ and scattered, solid diamond: ♦), and Garment C (primary, open triangle: △ and scattered, solid triangle: ▲). The polynomial least-squares fit was anchored at (0,0) and the fit was used to calculate lead-equivalent thicknesses of tested garments. The drop lines mark the lead equivalence of the Garments A, B, and C for primary (dashed) and scattered (solid) radiation. (c) Penetration of primary and scattered radiation from 100 kVp beam through lead sheets (primary, open circles: ○ and scattered, solid circles: ●), Garment A (primary, open square: □ and scattered, solid square: ■), Garment B (primary, open diamond: ◊ and scattered, solid diamond: ♦), and Garment C (primary, open triangle: △ and scattered, solid triangle: ▲). The polynomial least-squares fit was anchored at (0,0) and the fit was used to calculate lead-equivalent thicknesses of tested garments. The drop lines mark the lead equivalence of the Garments A, B, and C for primary (dashed) and scattered (solid) radiation. Note that the drop lines for Garments B and C (primary) lie on top of one another. (d) Penetration of primary and scattered radiation from 120 kVp beam through lead sheets (primary, open circles: ○ and scattered, solid circles: ●), Garment A (primary, open square: □ and scattered, solid square: ■), Garment B (primary, open diamond: ◊ and scattered, solid diamond: ♦), and Garment C (primary, open triangle: △ and scattered, solid triangle: ▲). The polynomial least-squares fit was anchored at (0,0) and the fit was used to calculate lead-equivalent thicknesses of tested garments. The drop lines mark the lead equivalence of the Garments A, B, and C for primary (dashed) and scattered (solid) radiation.