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. 2014 Mar 18;7:73–84. doi: 10.2147/IDR.S40168

Table 2.

Summary of raltegravir efficacy studies with antiretroviral-experienced patients

Study Design Eligibility Treatment Efficacy results
Comparative trials
BENCHMRK 1 and 27,9 Phase III
2:1 allocation ratio
DB week 156
OL week 240
Age ≥16 years
HIV-1 RNA >1,000 c/mL (on ART)
3 ART class resistance
RAL 400 mg BID + OBT
Placebo BID + OBT
<400 c/mL in RAL arm (non-completion = failure)
16 weeks: 77%; 48 weeks: 72%; 96 weeks: 62%; 156 weeks: 54%; 240 weeks: 45%
77% of patients continuing from week 156 to week 240 maintained viral loads,50 c/mL with only 8 withdrawals due to virologic failure
Protocol 00539,40 Phase II
1:1:1:1 allocation ratio
DB week 24
OL week 96
Age ≥18 years
HIV-1 RNA >5,000 c/mL
3 ART class resistance
RAL 200 mg BID + OBT
RAL 400 mg BID + OBT
RAL 600 mg BID + OBT
Placebo BID + OBT
<400 c/mL in RAL arm (non-completion = failure)
24 weeks: 70%; 48 weeks: 68%; 96 weeks: 55% Of the 94 RAL patients who entered the OL, only 3 discontinued prior to 96 weeks due to lack of efficacy
Study 14541 Phase III
1:1 allocation ratio
Age ≥18 years
HIV-1 RNA >1,000 c/mL (on ART)
2 ART class resistance or 6 months’ experience with at least 2 classes of ART
RAL 400 mg BID + EVG placebo Qday + boosted PI + 3rd agent
EVG 150 mg Qday + RAL placebo BID + boosted PI + 3rd agent
<50 c/mL in RAL arm (ITT)
48 weeks: 58%; 96 weeks: 45%
Between weeks 48 and 96, virologic failure occurred in 6.3% of RAL patients
Non-comparative trials
SALIR42 OL, MC ART-experienced RAL 400 mg BID + OBT 292/320 patients remained on their initial regimen at 96 weeks
273/300 patients still receiving RAL at week 96 achieved viral load <50 c/mL
TRIO43 Phase II
HIV-1 RNA >1,000 c/mL (on ART)
Naïve to RAL, DRV, ETR
≥3 PI resistance mutations, DRV susceptible
≥3 NRTI resistance mutations ETR susceptible
RAL 400 mg BID + ETR
200 mg BID + DRV/r
600/100 mg BID ± OBT
(T20 or NRTI)
<50 c/mL (missing = failure)
24 weeks: 90%; 48 weeks: 86%; 96 weeks: 88%
19/103 patients with virologic failure in 96 weeks, 12 before 48 weeks, 7 between weeks 48 and 96
Virologic success did not differ regardless of presence of OBT

Abbreviations: AC, active controlled; ART, antiretroviral therapy; BID, twice daily; c/mL, copies/milliliter; DB, double blind; DRV, darunavir; DRV/r, darunavir/ritonavir; ETR, etravirine; EVG, elvitegravir; INSTI, integrase strand-transfer inhibitor; ITT, intention-to-treat analysis; MC, multicenter; NRTI, nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor; OBT, optimized background therapy; OL, open label; PC, placebo controlled; PI, protease inhibitor; Qday, daily; R, randomized; RAL, raltegravir; RNA, ribonucleic acid; T20, enfuvirtide.