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. 2014 Mar 25;11(3):e1001620. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001620

Table 5. List of included studies with authors N–Z.

Author [cite ID], Year - Country Title of Article Setting and Population Sample Size Diagnosis Method Exposure Assessment and Study Method Main WASH Components Adjustment or Controlled Variables
Narain [84], 2000 - Indiaa Prevalence of Trichuris trichiura in relation to socio-economic and behavioral determinants of exposure to infection in rural Assam Dibrugarh district in upper Assam; adults and children aged <15 years 580 Formol-ether concentration technique Questionnaire, cross-sectional Floor material, improved latrine, improved water Age, open defecation, type of flooring, family size, number of children in household
Nasr [66], 2013 - Malaysiaa Towards an effective control programme of soil-transmitted helminth infections among Orang Asli in rural Malaysia. Part 1: Prevalence and associated key factors 13 villages in Lipis district, Pahang; Orang Asli children aged ≤15 years 484 Formalin-ether sedimentation, Kato Katz, and Harada Mori Questionnaire, cross-sectional Handwashing, water, sanitation Age, family size, other WASH practices
Nguyen [165], 2006 - Vietnam Intestinal helminth infections among reproductive age women in Vietnam: prevalence, co-infection and risk factors 53 provinces; reproductive-age women 5,127 Kato-Katz Questionnaire, cross-sectional Latrine, manure fertilizer use Adjusted for infection with A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura, and interaction term between them.
Nishiura [81], 2002 - Pakistan Ascaris lumbricoides among children in rural communities in the Northern Area, Pakistan: prevalence, intensity, and associated socio-cultural and behavioral risk factors Five rural villages in the northern area of Pakistan; school children 492 Kato-Katz Questionnaire, cross-sectional Washing hands, latrine, eating soil, soap Age, sex, living with child under age of 5, other WASH practices
Norhayati [166], 1999 - Malaysia Some risk factors of Ascaris and Trichuris infection in Malaysian aborigine (Orang Asli) children Children ages 1–13 205 Kato-Katz and Harada Mori Questionnaire, cross-sectional Usage of well-water, usage of toilets No adjusted WASH effect estimates identified
Nwaneri [83], 2012 - Nigeria Intestinal helminthiasis in children with chronic neurological disorders in Benin City, Nigeria: intensity and behavioral risk factors Benin City child neurology clinic; Children with chronic neurological disorders 155 Kato-Katz Questionnaire, case-control with matching on age/sex Hygiene practices Age, sex
Olsen [167], 2001 - Kenya A study of risk factors for intestinal helminth infections using epidemiological and anthropological approaches Villages in Kisumu District, Nyanza Province, Kenya; All inhabitants over the age of 4 years 333 Kato-Katz (duplicate) Questionnaire, cross-sectional Latrine, soap Adjusted for crowding in households, children under five years of age, soap use, latrine presence.
Ortiz Valencia [168], 2005 - Brazil Spatial ascariasis risk estimation using socioeconomic variables. Children ages 1–9 1,550 Unclear Interview, cross-sectional Water filtration No adjusted WASH effect estimates identified
Parajuli [129], 2009 - Nepala Behavioral and Nutritional Factors and Geohelminth Infection Among Two Ethnic Groups in the Terai Region, Nepal Parsauni village in the Sakhawaparsauni Village Development Committee (VDC) of Parsa district, Nepal; Mushar and Tharu (ethnic groups) inhabitants, aged 20–60 years 95 Direct wetmount Lugol's iodine thin-smear method Questionnaire, cross-sectional Soap, walking barefoot Adjusts for age, ethnicity, gender, height.
Pham-Duc [115], 2013 - Vietnama Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura infections associated with wastewater and human excreta use in agriculture in Vietnam Nhat Tan and Hoang Tay communes in Kim Bang district, Hanam province; Individuals over 1 year old 1,425 Kato-Katz thick smear and formalin-ether concentration techniques Questionnaire, cross-sectional Water, sanitation, handwashing Age, sex, and season.
Phiri [134], 2000 - Malawia Urban/rural differences in prevalence and risk factors for intestinal helminth infection in southern Malawi Two sites in the Blantyre area of Malawi: Ndirande a densely populated, poor, urban township in Blantyre city; and Namitambo, a poor rural community in Chiradzulu district; children between the age of 3–14 years 273 Stoll's egg count technique Questionnaire, cross-sectional Sewage, walking barefoot Age, sex, mother's education, school attendance, sewage around house
Quintero [69], 2012 - Venezuela Household social determinants of ascariasis and trichuriasis in North Central Venezuela 55 municipalities of the North Central Venezuela states Aragua, Carabobo, Miranda, Vargas and Capital District; Children and adults (3 months–60 years old) 3,388; ∼4.7 million with weights Kato-Katz Questionnaire, cross-sectional Improved water, soil floor, sewage disposal Rural/urban, house vulnerability, waste disposal practices
Riess [169], 2013 - Tanzania Hookworm Infection and Environmental Factors in Mbeya Region, Tanzania: A Cross-Sectional, Population-Based Study Participants from nine different sites in Mbeya region, south-western Tanzania 6,375 Kato-Katz Questionnaire Latrine coverage, latrine type Age, previous anthelmintic treatment, clustering
Rísquez [170], 2010 - Venezuela Condiciones higiénico-sanitarias como factores de riesgo para las parasitosis intestinales en una comunidad rural venezolana Students in the Panaquire-Miranda school district 69 Formol-ether concentration Questionnaire Defecation practices No adjusted WASH effect estimates identified
Roy [114], 2011 - Bangladesha Patterns and risk factors for helminthiasis in rural children aged under 2 in Bangladesh 10 villages in Rural Mirzapur; Rural children under 2 years old 252 Formalin-ether sedimentation technique Questionnaire, longitudinal Improved water, excreta disposal Adjusted by age, sex, breastfeeding, seasonality, and disposal site of child feces
Saathoff [171], 2002 - South Africa Geophagy and its association with geohelminth infection in rural schoolchildren from northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Pupils in third grade (average age of 10.7 years) 1,161 Kato-Katz Interview, cross-sectional Geophagy Family
Schmidlin [126], 2013 - Côte d'Ivoirea Effects of hygiene and defecation behavior on helminths and intestinal protozoa infections in Taabo, Côte d'Ivoire People in villages/hamlets in south-central that were small populations and similar pop. structure 1,894 Kato-Katz Questionnaire, interview, cross-sectional Sanitation behavior, hygiene behavior Socioeconomic status, age group, and sex
Scolari [172], 2000 - Brazil Prevalence and distribution of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections in urban and indigenous schoolchildren in Ortigueira, State of Parana, Brasil: implications for control School children ages 5–15 236 Kato-Katz Questionnaires (verified by local field assistant), cross-sectional Toilet ownership, location of toilet, safe water access No adjusted WASH effect estimates identified
Sherkhonov [173], 2013 - Tajikistan National intestinal helminth survey among schoolchildren in Tajikistan: Prevalences, risk factors and perceptions Schools from across country; school children, 7–11 years old 1,642 Kato-Katz Questionnaire, cross-sectional Water, sanitation, handwashing Clustering, other final covariates unclear
Soares Magalhaes [174], 2011 - Ghana, Mali, and Burkina Faso Geographical analysis of the role of water supply and sanitation in the risk of helminth infections of children in West Africa West African children 18,812 Kato-Katz Questionnaire (health survey), cross-sectional Water source, toilet, floor material No adjusted WASH effect estimates identified
Steenhard [175], 2009 - Guinea-Bissau Concurrent infections and socioeconomic determinants of geohelminth infection: a community study of schoolchildren in periurban Guinea-Bissau Poor semirural area (Bandim II and Belem, near Bissau); school children aged 4–12 706 McMaster technique, formol-ether technique Questionnaire, cross-sectional Improved water, improved sanitation No adjusted WASH effect estimates identified
Steinmann [79], 2010 - Kyrgyzstana Rapid appraisal of human intestinal helminth infections among schoolchildren in Osh oblast, Kyrgyzstan Osh oblast; school children (grades 2 or 3, age: 6–15 years) 1,262 Kato-Katz Questionnaire, cross-sectional Washing vegetables, water source, toilet use Age, sex, ethnic group, washing vegetables before eating, clustering
Stothard [120], 2008 - Zanzibara Soiltransmitted helminthiasis among mothers and their preschool children on Unguja Island, Zanzibar with emphasis upon ascariasis 10 Ungujan villages; mothers and their pre-SAC, 322 mothers, 359 children 681 Kato-Katz Questionnaire, cross-sectional Latrine access, wearing shoes, playing on ground Clustering, having infected household member
Teixeira [176], 2004 - Brazil Environmental factors related to intestinal helminth infections in subnormal settled areas, Juiz de Fora, MG Children (1–5 years old) in the subnormal settlement areas in the municipality of Juiz de Fora, Mina Gerais. 753 Hoffmann-Pons-Janer method Questionnaire Water quality complaints, feces disposal Family income, age of child
Trang [121], 2007 - Vietnama Helminth infections among people using wastewater and human excreta in peri-urban agriculture and aquaculture in Hanoi, Vietnam Yen So commune (population 10,500 at the time of study), a rural area located about 10 km south of central Hanoi; adults of 15–70 years of age engaged in agricultural activities and preschool children (less than 72 months of age) 807 Direct smear method Questionnaire, cross-sectional Water source, latrine Age, sex, socioeconomic status, other WASH practices
Trang [177], 2006 - Vietnam Low risk for helminth infection in wastewater-fed rice cultivation in Vietnam All females and males from 15–94 years old from 2 communes using different irrigation for rice cultivation (wastewater and river water) 1,139 Direct smear method Questionnaire, interview, cross-sectional Latrine availability, latrine status, handwashing (soap), availability of drinking water Clustering, age, gender, excreta agricultural use
Traub [118], 2004 - Indiaa The prevalence, intensities and risk factors associated with geohelminth infection in tea-growing communities of Assam, India Three tea-growing communities in Assam, India; tea-growing communities of rural Assam (no age restrictions) 328 Kato-Katz Questionnaire, cross-sectional Shoes, water source, latrine use Socioeconomic status, age, household crowding, level of education, religion, use of footwear when outdoors, defecation practices, pig ownership, water source
Ugbomoiko [178], 2009 - Nigeria Socio-environmental factors and ascariasis infection among school-aged children in Ilobu, Osun State, Nigeria Small rural village of Ilobu in Irepodu Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria; children below 16 years of age 440 Kato-Katz Questionnaire, cross-sectional Water source, latrine, distance to waste disposal Sex, age, which parent reside with child, number of playmates <6 or >5 years old, period of residency, and previous treatment status.
Walker [179], 2011 - Bangladesh Individual Predisposition, Household Clustering and Risk Factors for Human Infection with Ascaris lumbricoides: New Epidemiological Insights Dhaka; households 2,929 Ether sedimentation technique Questionnaire, longitudinal Shared latrines, shared water sources, floor material Clustering, age, sex, household socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and household characteristics
Wang [112], 2012 - Chinaa Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infections and Correlated Risk Factors in Preschool and School-Aged Children in Rural Southwest China 141 impoverished rural areas of Guizhou and Sichuan Provinces in Southwest China; SAC and Pre-sac (3–5-year-old group and an 8–10-year-old group) 1,707 Kato-Katz Questionnaire, cross-sectional Washing hands, boiling water, latrine type, use of manure fertilizer STH treatment history, individual characteristics, health and sanitation behaviors, and household characteristics
Wordemann [97], 2006 - Cubaa Prevalence and risk factors of intestinal parasites in Cuban children San Juan y Martinez and Fomento; Cuban schoolchildren aged 4–14 1,320 Kato-Katz Questionnaire, cross-sectional Water source, latrine use Age, sex, municipality, urban/rural background, and interaction between municipality and urban/rural background
Worrell [74], 2013 - Kenya Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene-Related Risk Factors for Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infection in Urban School- and Pre-School-Aged Children in Kibera, Nairobi Kibera; pre-school and school-aged children 676 Kato-Katz (three stools) Questionnaire, observations, cross-sectional Numerous Age, presence of an infected sibling(s) in the household, household crowding, deworming in the last year, ability to meet water needs, treating water, and soap use
Xu [75], 2001 - China On cleanliness of hands in diminution of Ascaris lumbricoides infection in children Shaowu, Fujian Province; Children (pupils in preliminary school) 654 Kato-Katz Experimental, longitudinal Handwashing No adjusted WASH effect estimates identified
Yajima [180], 2009 - Vietnam High latrine coverage is not reducing the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminthiasis in Hoa Binh province, Vietnam Residents of Tien Xuan commune, Hoa Binh province, Vietnam 155 Kato-Katz Questionnaire, cross-sectional Latrine at home No adjusted WASH effect estimates identified
Yori [88], 2006 - Peru Seroepidemiology of strongyloidiasis in the Peruvian Amazon Residents of Santo Tomas, Peru 908 Direct smear, Baermann, simple sedimentation agar plate, serologic assays (ELISA) Questionnaire, cross-sectional Source and storage of drinking water, human waste disposal, wearing of shoes Age
Young [82], 2007 - Tanzaniaa Association of geophagia with Ascaris, Trichuris and hookworm transmission in Zanzibar, Tanzania Pemba Island, Zanzibar; pregnant women 970 Kato-Katz Questionnaire, cross-sectional Geophagy, improved sanitation Geophagia during current pregnancy, age, urban/rural, number of durable goods, pit toilet in HH, formal education

Studies contributed to a meta-analysis.

HAZ, height for age Z score; SES, socioeconomic status.