Figure 2. Identification of tumors harboring the ALKF1174L mutation in MYCN-driven transgenic mice with intrinsic susceptibility MRI.
A) Anatomical transverse T2*-weighted MR images acquired at TE = 6.8 and 15.6 ms from representative Th-ALKF1174L/Th-MYCN and Th-MYCN mice with abdominal neuroblastoma during initial air breathing, and at TE = 15.6 ms after 5 minutes of continuous inhalation of 100% oxygen. B) Corresponding parametric tumor transverse relaxation rate R2* maps calculated during initial air breathing and after 3 minutes of continuous inhalation of 100% oxygen. C) Resulting parametric tumor ΔR2*oxygen-air (R2*oxygen−R2*air) maps. D) Tumor R2* during initial air breathing, E) tumor R2* after 5 minutes of breathing 100% oxygen, and F) tumor ΔR2*oxygen-air (R2*oxygen−R2*air) were determined from Th-ALKF1174L/Th-MYCN and Th-MYCN mice with abdominal neuroblastoma. Individual data points represent the mean of the median values determined from all three imaging slices for each animal, as well as the mean ±1 s.e.m, p, Student's 2-tailed unpaired t-test with a 5% level of significance.