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. 2013 Oct 3;29(4):563–571. doi: 10.1007/s11606-013-2626-7

Table 3.

Characteristics of Clusters Derived from 1,326 Patient Sequences of Instability Stabilization

Characteristic Stabilized fast Stabilized Slow Tachy-cardic Febrile Hypoxic Tachy-cardic/Hypoxic Mental/Oral/Hypoxic Inpatient mortality P*
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
N (% of 1,326) 434 (32.7) 307 (23.2) 120 (9.1) 45 (3.4) 196 (14.8) 84 (6.3) 108 (8.1) 32 (2.4)
Rank orders of stabilization
 Average Order of Stabilization [MS-RR-BP-OI-O2-HR-T] [BP-MS-OI-T-RR-HR-O2] [BP-MS-OI-RR-O2-T-HR] [MS-BP-OI- O2-RR-HR-T] [BP-MS-OI-T-HR-RR-O2] [BP-MS-OI-T-RR-HR-O2] [BP-T-RR-HR-O2-MS-OI] [T-BP-HR-RR-O2-MS-OI]
 Blood pressure (BP) 1.05 (2.48) 1.28 (1.90) 0.51 (1.31) 1.13 (2.27) 1.07 (1.80) 0.80 (1.60) 1.22 (1.75) 2.94 (3.34) < 0.001
 Mental status (MS) 0.98 (2.01) 1.30 (2.03) 1.20 (2.02) 0.56 (1.08) 1.38 (2.09) 0.89 (1.55) 5.93 (2.93) 6.68 (3.63) < 0.001
 Oral intake (OI) 2.23 (2.64) 2.04 (2.31) 1.94 (2.03) 1.84 (2.42) 2.11 (2.10) 1.48 (1.86) 6.42 (2.73) 7.93 (2.86) < 0.001
 Respiratory rate (RR) 1.05 (2.18) 4.06 (2.14) 2.48 (2.56) 2.31 (2.52) 3.16 (2.45) 4.30 (3.40) 2.36 (2.29) 5.19 (3.54) < 0.001
 Temperature (T) 2.89 (3.11) 3.44 (2.40) 2.94 (2.56) 7.93 (0.45) 2.60 (2.31) 3.29 (2.99) 2.10 (2.19) 1.78 (2.04) < 0.001
 Heart rate (HR) 2.42 (3.01) 4.34 (2.06) 8.00 (0.00) 5.47 (2.90) 3.03 (2.42) 6.71 (2.42) 2.64 (2.76) 4.88 (3.76) < 0.001
 Oxygen saturation (O2) 2.26 (2.40) 4.59 (2.48) 2.71 (2.20) 2.29 (1.93) 8.04 (0.19) 7.01 (2.27) 5.08 (2.79) 6.19 (3.68) < 0.001
 Hospitalist, n (%) 134 (30.9) 92 (30.0) 39 (32.5) 16 (35.6) 65 (33.2) 31 (36.9) 34 (31.5) 15 (46.9) 0.61
 # factors stabilized at presentation 3.81 (1.30) 2.08 (1.34) 2.76 (1.32) 2.38 (1.53) 2.43 (1.48) 2.54 (1.28) 1.94 (1.31) 1.56 (0.91) < 0.001
 Fully stabilized, n (%) 411 (94.7) 304 (99.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) < 0.001
 # instabilities at discharge 0.08 (0.39) 0.01 (0.10) 1.01 (0.09) 1.62 (0.68) 1.03 (0.19) 2.13 (0.65) 1.89 (0.90) 3.19 (1.23) < 0.001
 Days to maximum stabilization§ 2.14 (2.04) 4.45 (4.19) 2.56 (3.35) 1.60 (1.84) 2.94 (3.32) 2.39 (2.61) 4.55 (4.40) 4.41 (3.61) < 0.001
Demographics/Health status
 Age, years 66.5 (19.7) 61.6 (19.6) 57.2 (20.2) 58.0 (18.2) 66.5 (17.8) 58.0 (19.9) 73.5 (17.5) 79.4 (16.6) < 0.001
 Female, n (%) 255 (58.8) 172 (56.2) 78 (65.0) 24 (53.3) 108 (55.1) 42 (50.0) 56 (51.9) 16 (50.0) 0.36
 PSI score 75.7 (43.6) 79.2 (46.2) 64.6 (42.3) 61.1 (45.3) 87.7 (46.2) 72.8 (52.8) 117.2 (47.6) 137.9 (53.5) 0.001
 Charlson Index 1.19 (1.30) 1.28 (1.36) 0.97 (0.99) 1.00 (1.04) 1.05 (1.19) 1.15 (1.15) 1.10 (1.23) 1.34 (1.60) 0.25
Hospital stay
 Length of stay, days 4.07 (3.40) 5.92 (4.58) 3.90 (3.38) 2.42 (1.44) 5.54 (4.84) 4.01 (3.48) 6.42 (5.08) 9.50 (6.25) < 0.001
 30-day mortality§, n (%) 15 (3.85) 11 (4.09) 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00) 14 (8.59) 2 (2.74) 25 (26.3) 29 (100.0) < 0.001
 Inpatient mortality, n (%) 3 (0.70) 3 (1.00) 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00) 7 (3.57) 1 (1.19) 0 (0.00) 31 (96.9) < 0.001
 Total cost, $ 6,210 (6,626) 11,789 (14,319) 6,967 (9588) 3,700 (3,031) 11,313 (14,907) 7,908 (8,506) 12,913 (14,408) 24,860 (26,011) < 0.001

BP blood pressure, MS return to baseline mental status, OI ability to feed by oral intake; RR respiratory rate, T temperature, HR heart rate, O2 blood oxygen saturation

*P values indicate tests of differences across cluster by ANOVA or Chi-square tests

Rank order of stabilizations ranged from 1 to 7; 0 indicates stable on presentation; 8 indicates instability at discharge; 9 indicates not stabilized prior to inpatient death. Lower means indicate lower overall rank order of resolution for those indicators, which results from early stabilization. Indicators with means 5.0–7.0 have influence from late stabilization and/or persisting instabilities, and means > 7.0 indicate substantial influence from instabilities and inpatient mortality. Lower SDs indicate more homogeneous ranks among patients

These are the average orders of stabilization for patients in each cluster, based on the average ranks of stabilization of each indicator within each cluster

§Excludes University of New Mexico due to partial data unavailability