Table 4.
Provisional Recommendations for Developing Evidence for People with Multimorbidity
1. Definition and Measurement of Comorbities and Multimorbidity Status | |
Identify, define, measure and routinely report the within-study prevalence of important and common comorbid conditions. As a general rule, this should also involve measuring and reporting summary metrics of multimorbidity. | |
Explicitly pre-specify the specific motivation for studying multimorbidity so that the most appropriate multimorbidity concept is measured. | |
Select a multimorbidity measurement instrument that best measures the most relevant aspect of multimorbidity for the research question of interest. | |
Based on specific motivation for studying multimorbidity, non-disease conditions should be considered. | |
Multimorbidity measurements should ideally be easily and reliably obtained in real world clinical practice. | |
Multimorbidity should be measured in ways that allow comparability of results across studies. | |
2. Multimorbidity-Related Effects on Study Design, Implementation and Analysis | |
Internal validity | |
Fully ascertain exposure to treatments (including onset, intensity and duration) and important multimorbidities with minimal bias and error. | |
Employ sound statistical methods, as well as external validation studies, to address treatment selection bias affecting internal validity. | |
Ascertain exposure to concomitant treatments and harms related to any treatments. | |
Design study procedures to avoid mis-diagnosis of outcomes in people with multimorbidity. | |
Pre-specify all likely treatment effect modifiers related to multimorbidity and implement study designs and procedures to deal with these. | |
Consider how multimorbidity will affect overall study power (especially outcome event rates) and whether study power should be calculated in light of important multimorbidities. | |
Design study to minimize losses to follow-up, especially in people with multimorbidity. | |
External validity | |
Study entry criteria should not explicitly or implicitly exclude people with important multimorbidity from trials unless necessary. | |
Design study procedures to recruit and retain people with important multimorbidity into trials. | |
Consider person-level and provider or environmental modifiers of treatment effect during study design and implementation, focusing on methods that will maximize applicability. | |
Monitor adherence to treatment rigorously to avoid misclassification according to multimorbidity status. | |
Consider distribution of competing risks in target populations and how it should be represented in study samples. | |
3. Heterogeneity of Treatment Effect | |
Identify and prioritize multimorbidity-related questions, obtaining expert clinical input where necessary. | |
Analyses should examine treatment effect modification across groups defined by important clusters of characteristics (e.g. by risk or by comorbidity burden), rather than only one-variable-at-a-time subgroup analysis. | |
Consider powering to support multimorbidity-related subgroup effects. | |
Consider stratification of randomization by important multimorbidity-related subgroups. | |
Consider multimorbidity-specific trials when indicated. | |
Collect relevant multimorbidity-related outcome data, particularly related to adverse events. | |
Define subgroups of interest for confirmatory, descriptive or exploratory analyses. | |
Subgroups for confirmatory analyses should be very few; fully pre-specified; explicitly justified; based on strong a priori pathophysiologic or empirical evidence of heterogeneity of treatment effects; adjusted for multiplicity if appropriate; and, always reported and labeled. |