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. 2013 Dec 20;28(3):303–311. doi: 10.1038/eye.2013.285

Table 1. Comparison of clinical characteristics of normal-tension glaucoma patients with initial central or peripheral visual field defects.

Characteristics (mean±SD) Initial central scotomas (N=32) Initial peripheral scotomas (N=34) P-value
Follow-up period (yr) 7.19±2.53 7.47±2.06 0.626a
Demographic factors
 Age(yrs) 49.87±11.60 48.50±14.76 0.677a
 Gender, female 18 (56.3%) 19 (55.8%) 0.976b
 Family history of glaucoma 2 (6.3%) 3 (8.8%) 1.000c
Systemic factors
 Diabetes mellitus 3 3 1.000c
 Hypertension 4 6 0.734b
 Migraine 4 3 0.705c
 Orthostatic hypotension 4 5 1.000c
 Peripheral vascular disease 2 0 0.231c
Ocular factors
 Spherical equivalent(D) −1.79±1.78 −1.68±2.37 0.834a
 CCT(um) 526.26±32.96 529.83±38.28 0.697a
 Disc hemorrhage 6 (18.8%) 7 (20.6%) 0.851b
β-zone PPA 27 (84.4%) 31 (91.2%) 0.469c
 Baseline IOP 17.03±3.21 17.62±2.87 0.436a
 Post-therapeutic mean IOP 14.85±2.04 15.21±2.15 0.495a

Abbreviations: CCT, central corneal thickness; D, diopters; IOP, intraocular pressure; m, month; PPA, peripapillary atrophy; SD, standard deviation; VF, visual field; yr, year.


Independent t-test.




Fisher exact test.