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. 2014 Mar 18;4(3):e373. doi: 10.1038/tp.2014.11

Table 3. Voxel composition by group.

  Healthy control ADHD
P1-value P2-value
    Total Medicated Not medicated    
Basal ganglia
 Grey 0.70 (0.12) 0.72 (0.083) 0.71 (0.06) 0.73 (0.098) 0.406 0.542
 White 0.37 (0.12) 0.33 (0.08) 0.34 (0.06) 0.33 (0.09) 0.221 0.690
 CSF 0.008 (0.01) 0.007 (0.01) 0.007 (0.01) 0.008 (0.01) 0.886 0.906
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
 Grey 0.28 (0.10) 0.25 (0.06) 0.24 (0.04) 0.26 (0.07) 0.156 0.453
 White 0.75 (0.10) 0.78 (0.07) 0.78 (0.05) 0.77 (0.08) 0.297 0.660
 CSF 0.017 (0.01) 0.014 (0.01) 0.014 (0.01) 0.014 (0.01) 0.340 0.959
Parietal cortex
 Grey 0.45 (0.05) 0.47 (0.07) 0.48 (0.08) 0.47 (0.06) 0.184 0.690
 White 0.51 (0.08) 0.5 (0.08) 0.48 (0.09) 0.51 (0.06) 0.591 0.373
 CSF 0.09 (0.04) 0.069 (0.03) 0.074 (0.03) 0.066 (0.03) 0.022* 0.388

Abbreviations: ADHD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid. Data are given as mean (s.d.). Values represent estimated mean proportion of voxel (range 0–1). P1, controls vs ADHD (both stimulant naive and medicated) t-test; P2, ADHD naive vs ADHD medicated. These showed no significant differences except in parietal cortex % CSF (P<0.05) that was significantly higher in the healthy controls compared with the ADHD groups, with no differences between the medicated and medication naive ADHD groups. * indicates that the comparison was significant at P<0.05.