Figure 5. Fascicles of the superficial language circuitry.
The fascicles are regrouped in three systems: (1) F3 or anterior system, consisting of the triangulo-orbitaris system (yellow, 1), the operculo-premotor fascicle (brown, 2), the transcallosal dorsal supplementary motor area (SMA) fascicle (slate blue, 3), as well as variable bundles regrouped in the frontal (Broca-SMA, bs; TrOrS-Prefrontal, tpf; TrOrS-frontopolar, tfp), dorsal (dg) and ventral (vg) groups; (2) superior system, consisting of the arcuate fascicle (green, 4), the fronto-parietal branch of the superior longitudinal fascicle (purple, 5) and the superficial parieto-temporal system (grey, 6); (3) inferior system, consisting of the uncinate fascicle (white, 7), the fronto-occipital part of the inferior longitudinal fascicle (orange, 8), the inferior fronto-temporo-occipital fascicle (pink, 9) and the temporo-occipital fascicle (blue, 10). Top, schematic representation; bottom, example of one subject, left hemisphere.