Figure 3.
Stabilogram diffusion analysis parameters. (A) the short‐term (open‐loop) diffusion coefficient Ds, (B) the long‐term (closed‐loop) diffusion coefficient Dl, (C) the critical time interval ∆tc, and (D) the critical mean squared displacement <∆r2>c. Standing on the balcony (black bars), standing in the laboratory (gray bars). Stance conditions: eyes open and normal head tilt (EO), eyes open and head flexion (EOHF), eyes open and head extension (EOHE), eyes closed (EC), eyes open while performing a cognitive dual task (EODT), and eyes closed while performing a cognitive dual task (ECDT). During height exposure under the conditions EO and EOHE postural control is altered in (1) increased short‐term diffusion activity, indicating abnormal open‐loop control, and (2) shortened critical time intervals, indicating that the primary sensory feedback threshold of the postural control system is lowered.