Figure 1.
Yeast two-hybrid screening. PAS404-TEKT2-transformed Y190 yeast were re-transformed by pACT2 plasmid (Mock; negative control), pACT2-SPERGEN-1 (negative control), pACT2- TEKT2BP1 or pACT2-TEKT2BP2. Each transformant was cultivated on synthetic minimal medium with dextrose lacking tryptophan, leucine, and histidine in the presence of 25 mM 3-aminotriazole. Growing colonies were tested for galactosidase activity using the filter-binding assay. The co-transformed PAS404-TEKT2 with pACT2- TEKT2BP1 or TEKT2BP2 cells exhibited a clear galactosidase-positive phenotype.