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. 2014 Mar 26;9(3):e92337. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0092337

Table 6. Model parameters, standard errors, t values and posterior densities of the univariate (Inline graphic) and complete (mBIC) analyses.

Model Parameter Effect Estimates Std. Error t value Variance Std. Dev. MCMC median MCMC mean HPD95 lower HPD95 upper pMCMC Pr(>|t|) RMSEP BIC R2 fixed R2
mBIC site.names random 0.0355 0.1885 0.1577 0.1596 0.1184 0.2038 0.2787 412.4698 29.79 50.25
Residual random 0.0800 0.2829 0.2845 0.2846 0.2713 0.2975
(Intercept) fixed −0.7247 0.1635 −4.4336 −0.7492 −1.0585 −0.4339 0.0001 0.0000
I(pre∧0.5) fixed 0.0118 0.0027 4.4017 0.0120 0.0067 0.0171 0.0001 0.0000
sol_m fixed 0.0024 0.0002 10.3592 0.0024 0.0019 0.0028 0.0001 0.0000
dtr fixed −0.0300 0.0078 −3.8291 −0.0283 −0.0430 −0.0139 0.0002 0.0001
swc fixed 0.2426 0.0674 3.5999 0.2492 0.1196 0.3817 0.0002 0.0003
Inline graphic site.names random 0.0346 0.1861 0.1588 0.1608 0.1192 0.2057 0.2983 515.5249 19.82 42.99
Residual random 0.0914 0.3023 0.3038 0.3040 0.2901 0.3184
(Intercept) fixed −0.0158 0.0394 −0.4006 −0.0157 −0.0860 0.0562 0.6666 0.6888
I(pre∧0.5) fixed 0.0303 0.0020 15.1909 0.0303 0.0264 0.0343 0.0001 0.0000
msol site.names random 0.0414 0.2034 0.1695 0.1715 0.1296 0.2177 0.3043 556.2737 16.30 40.67
Residual random 0.0951 0.3084 0.3103 0.3104 0.2956 0.3245
(Intercept) fixed −1.0027 0.1042 −9.6261 −0.9997 −1.1959 −0.7884 0.0001 0.0000
sol_m fixed 0.0030 0.0002 13.4849 0.0030 0.0026 0.0035 0.0001 0.0000
mcld site.names random 0.0333 0.1825 0.1576 0.1594 0.1183 0.2040 0.3065 563.8953 15.56 39.81
Residual random 0.0965 0.3106 0.3120 0.3122 0.2975 0.3264
(Intercept) fixed −0.4837 0.0691 −6.9952 −0.4766 −0.6100 −0.3444 0.0001 0.0000
cld fixed 0.0115 0.0009 13.1090 0.0114 0.0097 0.0132 0.0001 0.0000
Mpre site.names random 0.0345 0.1856 0.1601 0.1621 0.1193 0.2073 0.3078 571.9796 14.82 39.34
Residual random 0.0972 0.3118 0.3133 0.3135 0.2992 0.3284
(Intercept) fixed 0.1542 0.0352 4.3855 0.1542 0.0933 0.2184 0.0001 0.0000
pre fixed 0.0011 0.0001 12.7430 0.0011 0.0009 0.0013 0.0001 0.0000
mdtr site.names random 0.0705 0.2655 0.1957 0.1982 0.1523 0.2514 0.3060 579.4892 14.60 40.01
Residual random 0.0962 0.3102 0.3134 0.3136 0.2998 0.3290
(Intercept) fixed 1.2160 0.0842 14.4368 1.1559 0.9919 1.3130 0.0001 0.0000
dtr fixed −0.0840 0.0066 −12.655 −0.0783 −0.0925 −0.0650 0.0001 0.0000
mvap site.names random 0.1335 0.3653 0.2128 0.2152 0.1607 0.2740 0.3063 596.8096 13.87 39.89
Residual random 0.0964 0.3105 0.3167 0.3169 0.3017 0.3314
(Intercept) fixed −1.1021 0.1306 −8.4356 −0.8118 −1.0723 −0.5445 0.0001 0.0000
vap fixed 0.0593 0.0048 12.3119 0.0472 0.0368 0.0579 0.0001 0.0000
mswc site.names random 0.0319 0.1785 0.1564 0.1582 0.1146 0.2039 0.3174 625.9566 9.77 35.49
Residual random 0.1034 0.3215 0.3229 0.3230 0.3082 0.3382
(Intercept) fixed −0.1696 0.0580 −2.9216 −0.1715 −0.2826 −0.0609 0.0038 0.0036
swc fixed 0.5807 0.0578 10.0435 0.5837 0.4723 0.7025 0.0001 0.0000
mtmn site.names random 0.0944 0.3072 0.2038 0.2063 0.1523 0.2625 0.3143 635.0120 9.65 36.71
Residual random 0.1015 0.3186 0.3231 0.3233 0.3085 0.3387
(Intercept) fixed −0.8685 0.1291 −6.7262 −0.6662 −0.9239 −0.4010 0.0001 0.0000
tmn fixed 0.0623 0.0062 10.0385 0.0517 0.0393 0.0656 0.0001 0.0000
mtmp site.names random 0.0396 0.1989 0.1693 0.1716 0.1238 0.2187 0.3299 701.8122 2.13 30.27
Residual random 0.1117 0.3343 0.3359 0.3361 0.3210 0.3522
(Intercept) fixed −0.3704 0.1566 −2.3648 −0.3351 −0.6345 −0.0317 0.0266 0.0182
tmp fixed 0.0283 0.0063 4.5113 0.0269 0.0146 0.0388 0.0001 0.0000
mpet site.names random 0.0329 0.1814 0.1600 0.1620 0.1178 0.2075 0.3320 709.0369 1.40 29.38
Residual random 0.1132 0.3364 0.3377 0.3379 0.3219 0.3532
(Intercept) fixed 0.5525 0.0724 7.6338 0.5589 0.4147 0.6951 0.0001 0.0000
pet fixed −0.0023 0.0006 −3.6135 −0.0023 −0.0036 −0.0011 0.0002 0.0003
mtmx site.names random 0.0400 0.2000 0.1717 0.1738 0.1278 0.2217 0.3334 721.5133 0.05 28.78
Residual random 0.1141 0.3378 0.3395 0.3396 0.3234 0.3550
(Intercept) fixed 0.4356 0.1755 2.4825 0.4047 0.0543 0.7394 0.0190 0.0132
tmx fixed −0.0039 0.0058 −0.6821 −0.0029 −0.0141 0.0086 0.6180 0.4954
m0 site.names random 0.0385 0.1962 0.1696 0.1717 0.1270 0.2214 0.3337 715.0984 0.00 28.69
Residual random 0.1142 0.3379 0.3395 0.3396 0.3240 0.3551
(Intercept) fixed 0.3184 0.0347 9.1815 0.3187 0.2571 0.3784 0.0001 0.0000

Model parameters, standard errors and t-values. The parameter values of posterior parameters densities (MCMC median and MCMC mean) and their 95% confidence intervals (Highest posterior density at 95% [HPD95] lower and upper) and associated p-value are estimated from a distribution of 10000 parameter samples computed with Monte Carlo Markov Chains from the model parameters. Goodness-of-fit criterion of the growth models are root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), R2 of the fixed part of the model (Inline graphic) and R2 of the complete model (fixed plus random part).