Confirmation of the FXR- and FGFR4-dependent repression of Cyp27 with CDCA in mouse models. Wild-type and knockout mice were fed normal diet or 1 % CDCA-containing diet for 5 days, and then, intrahepatic bile ducts were collected by a laser microdissection, and total RNA was purified. The expression of Cyp27 was analyzed using Q-PCR. Wild-type mice, which were fed the CDCA diet, showed decreased Cyp27 expression in bile ducts, whereas a
FXR knockout (FXR−/−) mice and b
FGFR4 knockout (FGFR4−/−)micemaintained a comparable level of Cyp27 expression even after feeding CDCAdiet. Error bars =S.D. (N =3). *P <0.05, statistical significance using Student's t test