Interactions between DAU and PEXs.
(A) PEX13 and PEX16 physically interact with DAU in Arabidopsis seedlings. The band at 50 kD indicates the heavy chain of anti-FLAG IgG. Wild-type seedlings were used as the negative control.
(B) to (E) N. benthamiana leaves coinfiltrated with Agrobacterium containing 35S-driven construct pairs as indicated were photographed with a charge-coupled device camera. CLuc-DAU interacts with PEX13-NLuc (B) and PEX16-NLuc (C). No interaction of DAU-NLuc with Cluc-PEX13 (D) is detected. DAU-NLuc interacts with Cluc-PEX16 (E). The pseudocolor bar shows the relative range of luminescence intensity in the image. Bars = 1 cm.