The Arabidopsis Cytokinin Receptor Mediates Nodule
(A) Nodulation phenotypes of hairy roots formed on wild-type and
lhk1-1 mutant shoots after transformation with the
A. rhizogenes strain AR12 containing empty vector
(+vector), the entire Lhk1 gene, including 5′ and
3′ untranslated regions (+Lhk1), or a vector containing
the Arabidopsis AHK4 gene, including its cognate promoter and
terminator (+AHK4) (see Methods).
(B) The nodulation phenotypes were scored 21 DAI with M. loti. Numbers of plants and
nodules in each transformation category are given. Wild-type L.
japonicus ecotype Gifu transformed with A.
rhizogenes AR12 was used as a positive control. In all cases,
values represent means ± 95% confidence interval.