Construction of Transplastomic Double Knockout Plants for the Nonessential
Ribosomal Protein Genes rps15, rpl33, and
(A) Physical map of the region in the tobacco plastid genome
(Shinozaki et al., 1986) containing
the rpl33 gene and map of the transformed plastid genome
(transplastome) in Δrpl33 mutant plants (Rogalski et al., 2008). Genes above the
line are transcribed from the left to the right, and genes below the line are
transcribed in the opposite direction. The AccI restriction
sites employed for RFLP analyses are
indicated, and the resulting fragment sizes are given for the wild type and the
rpl33 knockout. The hybridization probe used for DNA gel
blot analysis (derived from the psaJ coding region) is also
(B) Map of the genomic region containing rps15
and map of the transformed plastid genome in Δrps15
mutants (Fleischmann et al., 2011). In
the Δrps15 single mutant and the
Δrps15/Δrpl36 double
knockout, the spectinomycin resistance marker aadA (Svab and Maliga, 1993) disrupts the
rps15 gene, whereas in the
Δrps15/Δrpl33 plants,
rps15 is inactivated with the kanamycin resistance gene
aphA-6 (Huang et al.,
(C) Map of the genomic region containing rpl36
and map of the transformed plastid genome in Δrpl36
mutants (Fleischmann et al., 2011). In
the Δrpl36 single mutant, the aadA
marker disrupts the rpl36 gene, whereas in the
Δrps15/Δrpl36 and the
Δrpl33/Δrpl36 double
knockout plants, rpl36 is inactivated with the
aphA-6 marker.
RFLP analysis of plastid transformants.
The wild type, the three single mutants, and the three double knockouts (two
independently generated transplastomic lines each) were analyzed by DNA gel
blotting using the restriction enzyme AccI and specific
radiolabeled probes (pr.) for each of the three knockout alleles (cf. panels
[A] to [C]). Note that all transplastomic lines
included in this blot are homoplasmic and show exclusively the bands diagnostic
of the transgenic plastid genomes.