Seedling Lethality of the
∆rps15/∆rpl33 Mutants and
Rescue by Elevated Growth Temperatures.
Wild-type, ∆rps15, ∆rpl33, and
∆rps15/∆rpl33 plants were
germinated either on soil ([A] and [C]) or on
synthetic Suc-containing medium ([B] and [D]) and
grown either at 22°C ([A] and [B]) or at
35°C ([C] and [D]).
(A) Plants germinated and grow on soil at 22°C. The photos
were taken 29 d after sowing.
(B) Plants germinated and grown on synthetic medium at 22°C
in the absence of antibiotics (w/o sel.) or in the presence of 500 µg/mL
spectinomycin (Spec) or 50 µg/mL kanamycin (Kan). The photos were taken
22 d after sowing.
(C) Plants germinated and grown on soil at 35°C.
(D) Plants grown as in (B) but at 35°C. The
plants grown without selection and the plants grown under spectinomycin
selection were photographed 15 d after sowing, and the plants grown under
kanamycin selection were photographed 41 d after sowing. Due to the low
stability of kanamycin at elevated temperatures, the kanamycin-containing
medium was replaced every 14 d.